I found this while I was looking around. It's pretty impressive.
MSI GT783R - XOTIC PC - MSI Custom Gaming Notebook
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Been talked about in a couple of threads round here.
You wont actually get it till next year (MSI have not get their 580M cores yet from nvidia :/) -
Alienware Custom Built Gaming Laptops & Notebooks
I was looking at the M14x. -
nowadays the term "alienware killer" shouldnt be used anymore. there are so many performance brands that easily overpower the alienware, so its no longer the NORM. alienware was once the top of the benchmark in performance but now its only on top for price tag.
years ago alienware was like the Bugati of the laptop world. Nowadays its just a Nissan... not a bad laptop, but definitely not the best. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I don't know, the M18X with a pair of high end cards and the unlocked CPU controls is still a force to be reckoned with, only the machines with desktop CPUs can come close and the M18X offers battery and power advantages over those.
Ok so what is the new king of the gaming laptop world? I really do want to see the Rolls Royce of computers. Is there even a "best of the best" anymore? Asus (gimped GPU), MSI (heavy 15.6" and no backlit), Sager (bland), I could go on and on. I just want to buy something that simply works and works well. I guess the Falcon NW TLX is probably on top now, but it costs a staggering $2800 and it's just a custom painted NP8150!! I think it's time that a new ruler takes over. Someone who makes their own cases (like Falcon NW desktops), invents their own gamer oriented OS (like Apple), makes them a bit lighter and still really good quality (like Apple), still has all the pizaz and bling (AW), and has monster cooling power (Asus G-series). If there was such a thing, I wouldn't be talking to you guys, I would be using a brand new elite gaming machine.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well I think the x7200 with a I7-990X and 2x580Ms overvolted (since dells do have an issue with throttling) would be the fastest.
We will likely see a refresh of this machine with the x79 chipset though and it's likely to be king of the hill for some time. -
Gaming isn't just about "OMG POWER" though. It's about the experience too. I wouldn't like to game on a Clevo machine when compared to the non-chicklet and backlit keyboard and great sound quality AW has. Why can't a non-Dell company take that and put it into a 15.6" machine?
Because they are not dell. #Kidding
But sound quality on MSI machine is the best right now. -
doesnt matter how many lights ur laptop has or how cool the keyboard is. at the end of the day what MATTERS is: CAN I RUN THIS GAME?? remember that laptops dpreciate very fast so if u plan to change a 2800 laptop with a resell price of less than 2000 every year, then i congratulate u since u have a lot of money.
otherwise i recomend u stick with performance. for example: check my sig. this is my gaming laptop, i also have a gaming desktop with a 580gtx which runs 3 times better than my laptop. besides that i also have a mac air... i could easily buy an alienware, but instead ill buy the BEST in the market. my soon to be dead 570m in Less than 6 months will be replaced with another mid high MSI or Sager. buying a AW is like buying a formula car even though u know its engine will only last one month. why bother?? u just need to run games am i right?? -
umm not really...but i wouldnt bother explain it to you.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Then slap a GTX580M in a 16F2 barebone, combine that with 2x 512GB SSDs in raid0, put in 16GB of 1600Mhz C9 ram (32GB if your work needs it), bluray drive for multimedia, bigfoot wireless card and get the 95% colour gamut screen if you need it.
Are you joshing me or are you angry now or are you serous? Sorry I'm not too good with sarcasm. For one thing I thought the 16F2's card was soldered into the system and it can only come with a GTX570m.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I've yet to even see a 570M or similar class of GPU soldered in.
Even the 555M in the GX680 which uses the same casing is not soldered in (the only one of it's kind).
I'm not kidding, the above machine will be a monster, a portable monster. Nothing in it's size class will match the display, speakers and performance.
If you got the 16F2 barebone with a GTX570m, then the heatsink (with a little memory pad) will perfectly fit the 580M and it would be a simple case of taking out the 570M and putting the 580M in. -
The technology/components are available to anyone really, so the choice you have to make is on what kind of chasis you would like it in.
For me it was the M17x R3.
I used to have a GX660R but it could not handle the heat well with stock cooling when I pimped the CPU and GPU up - guess 15" wasn't my thing.
But yeah, everyone seems to be amazed at the Alienware keyboard and design most of all, especially when it has a changing rainbow coloured theme.
However it does lack the speaker system the MSI has. -
Hmmm well in that case I think I can get by without all the flashy lights of the AW, I just still like the battery life. Ahh well, they do offer a spare at least. I really like the Power Pro 11:36 now. It can't quite pull off the flashy looks anyway so the MSI version seems silly to me.
I don't need dual SSDs or anything though, but that would be awesome. The GPU did not say user upgradable like in the Sager machines so I figured it wasn't. Thanks a lot though. -
Just ordered new skin for it. -
Just for reference but a m17x r3 run on battery can get anywhere from 4:30 to 5:30 hours. And as some would recall i had owned 2 MSI system so i know as much about it as some of you do. Just maybe not as much as meaker, xonar, niff or resellers and a few others.
and the answer is yes -
For the price, you could have bought a mid-range gaming laptop AND a desktop godbox and gotten insanely better performance from the desktop and more practical portability from the laptop.
Not to say the 18" Alienware doesn't have its place, but its not in the world of "happy medium". -
Sorry about not being more clear. I really need a seperate thread for my real questions... I do not really want a 17 machine at all, but with the release of the MSI with the GTX580m, it makes me wonder if it is a good system, not necessarily a system I would buy. As for what I would buy, I am looking more along the lines of the MSI/Force 16F2.
At lower prices, the Alienware line is a little problematic, but the higher prices tend to be a bit more caring.
If you get the concept.
Though I highly doubt anyone would call this machine an Alienware killer. What with a BASE price of $2300? That's like the new alienware... XD -
you forgot to add coupons, haggling, outlets and HDMI-in!
Then you remembered incorrect!
Yeah i doubt many people would need the HDMI input but for me thats a game changer, which helped in my decision to move over. -
mindinversion Notebook Evangelist
Now, I get the concept of "ZOMG, my notebook is uber AND I can take it anywhere", but everyone knows at the end of the day you could've taken that cash and built a desktop with 3x + the performance, or 2x the performance and most of a 2nd, portable machine.
Granted, not everyone has the technical expertise I do when it comes to price shopping and building custom rigs, and as someone who travels on business at least 1/3 of the year, I can ABSOLUTELY understand the need for a portable [if the thing is 18" and over 12lbs, is it REALLY considered "portable??] notebook. I love my 683 to death. It handles everything I need it to handle and runs my games extremely well. When it's go time, though, and every frame and ms latency count, I'll pull out the big guns every time.
To sum up this pointless yet light hearted post:
If you want flashy, buy flashy. if you want performance, buy performance.
But don't expect for a second to be able to combine it all into one convenient package. There's an old saying. . "always use the right tool for the job" Desktops and notebooks are two very different tools, designed for two VERY different functions.
Thank you and enjoy the buffet ^^
Alienware killer? - GTX580m
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Gamer872, Dec 8, 2011.