not to mention $70 for shippingwhat a clown
Pure economics is part of the reason that MSI doesn't seem to care about recovering a single laptop here and there. It's going to cost them more to recover a USED laptop at this point than the margin they would make re-selling it.
If they could raid a wherehouse somewhere are get back 100s or 1000s, then I'm sure they'd be a lot more interested. MSI is not going to jump all over you, since you (1) - didn't even know about the theft before buying it (2) are now a customer of MSI (and a loyal customer if they are nice). They would lose a lot more money by giving you a hard time then by just blowing it off. I'm sure they already got the insurance payment for the theft. Why should they want to pursue it any further?
The police are involved in the first place to solve the original theft, and at this point you are only useful in order to provide information to them in solving that crime.
Believe it or not, ...somehow... life... will... go... on! -
IMO it's a sneaky way to not bother with a reserve, and then hope that bidders are unwary and don't notice an excessive shipping fee, which seems to be high enough to make the item, only slightly cheaper than it could be had from "normal" etailers usually. Then if bidding goes up, they also made a tidy little profit... -
this is a way to cheat off the ebay final auction value system?
increase shipping and decrease the price?
anyways... i think its just a rumor, i called MSI in the city of industry today the rep told me he knew nothing about this and than sent me to another department where as the lady said its just a rumor, i will upload the conversation later when i get home (i recorded it!)
Looks like this thread has lost it's reason for existing...
It looks like no one gives a crap, MSI, the Police, anyone. I should have bought one when the prices were reasonable.
Maybe if we really hope in our hearts and clap really loudly, OCON will come back... I think he got a bad rap, but I credit him with knowing when to move on.
I got my computer from him and I am very pleased but he did however, move on.
I actually bought his last one locally off of craigslist. Gave a real good story about how he bought it from in Utah when he was visiting his girlfriend and even made a very good looking packing list with the computer and parts on it. He made the mistake by giving me his email address when I bought it; Googleing his email address I found he had used it in one post on another forum and then I realized who I bought it from because I had been following this on the forums for awhile. I'm not mad because I got a really good deal and I don't think its stolen but I just wish he would of been upfront about it in the first place instead of making this big elaborate story about it.
Yeah he lives in Moreno valley I live in Riverside they are about ten minutes apart, I am not 100% sure it was his last one as when I bought it I thought I was dealing with a different person based on his story and he only had one up on craigslist.
OCON was a stand up guy, fast shipping, good communication, hell he even dropped the price of my lap when his paypal went down cuz i had to send him a money order.
You miss the point, it has been inferred that something was stolen from MSI. To date no clarification has been issued. It is a leap at this time to determine anything more. Absent further information from MSI or authorities, I would suggest that "it is not stolen" is a valid position.
innocent until proven guilty.
There has been no proof or even information, therefor innocent -
that's why call the MSI folks up and they will tell you if it's stolen or not... it's not easy and there is no need to cover it up!! so many sellers had mentioned it already....
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
Well, I am a straight shooter, and I am here to report I just officially got stung.
I bought a WUXGA 1722-ID2 from eBay last week which required immediate payment.
eBay has been on top of these for quite some time now and some units are actually legit at their lower prices I've found out. Unfortunately, I found out the hard way some are not.
My criteria is simple....if eBay/PayPal is ok with it, then I'm ok with it. If eBay and/or PayPal has a reason to doubt a units legitimacy, then so do I. If I'm extra unsure, I follow up, quietly, with MSI or elsewhere.
I paid for the unit and within 24hrs, PayPal and eBay suspended the user's account and withheld their funds. The seller had shipped the unit, so it was in transit this last week. They let me know directly about the investigation/suspension but wouldn't come right out and say, "We think this unit is stolen," and basically nudged me in the direction of finding out, which I did when the unit arrived and yep, the unit was hotter than the Sun.
I could have kept it. Great price for one of the rare/elusive WUXGA+ models. All I had to do was select, "Resolve Claim," and keep on keeping on, but if the writing is on the wall, you must read it. But those times your gut tells you something isn't kosher, you have to pay attention to the growl maker.
I contacted MSI directly and they told me it was stolen and to go ahead and authorize a refund via the normal eBay/PayPal channels and return the unit when instructed. By the responses from all parties involved (PayPal, eBay, MSI), they seem to have a standard procedure in place for questionable units.
If you bought your unit from eBay, and eBay did nothing, the seller sold a Qty of units and has good feedback, and is still a registered seller selling assume it is ok. Don't get all FUD'd out over it. I've bought some cheap ID1/2 that turned out to be just fine. If there are any indicators or you want peace of mind, check it out.
BTW, MSI responds wickedly quick with a thumbs up or down. Kind of shocked me to get a, "Thumbs down," this time, heh.
For those who want to check, the seller's name is: yumichan8214
Add the name to the known list of sellers and if you bought from him, you might want to check your unit out. -
what would you expect... i mean its like 50% cheaper than MRSP...
i wouldnt care if its stolen if i buy a laptop for 50% cheaper and plus who knows it is stolen or not if you don't dig deep into the hole for something that proves nothing but make ur self worried -
In short he doesn't care if it's stolen or not. All that matters to him it's cheap and working.
You know English may not be his primary language, so there is no need in criticizing his reply. God Bless -
I wrote an IM to a friend on a forum, the stupid thing doesn't read any caps
or punctuations... just letters and numbers.
He said I wrote like an "illegal immigrant just got off the boat" XD -
Well here are some of the rumors I found out about the barebones.
1. Shipment of barebones were apparently stolen and sold on E-Bay and other places.
2. MSI outsourced (is that the right term for that?) the 8k+ barebones for dirt cheap ($100-$300) with an agreement they won't sell it on E-bay. When MSI found out that the outsource sold the units on e-bay, they declared the units to be stolen.
3. MSI declared the units stolen for insurance.
With these rumors going around, it's up for you to decide if you are still gonna buy MSI barebones.
MSI has done nothing to resolve the stolen units... -
2. It is a very strong possibility what actually happened. And since msi can't
do anything to get their notebooks back due to bankruptcy of the
outsourced company (from rumor).
3. Bad damage control from msi.
Note: msi has done nothing and will do nothing too, they got their insurance
money already, why bother spending extra money and effort and get nothing
in return. -
holy shxt! I cannot believe this! Who actually cares about grammar in the "modern" society? Should I stop using abbreviations such as ATM, BTW, OMG? Did I make any "Improvement" this time? Should I recieve an A for this post?
That's good enough, right?
This forum has built in spell check and some people still manage to screw up. Amazing! Please tell me English is not your native tongue. If it isn't, the teachers in the schools you attended should be arrested for stealing their pay checks. -
electrosoft Perpetualist Matrixist
While I go out of my way to make sure my forum postings retain a modicum of English grammar and spelling, I am not going to chastise or belittle someone who can not or will not do the same.
It is a very rare occasion that I am unable to figure out what a forum denizen is attempting to convey.
Grammar naturally evolves based on the times. With the proliferation of the online world and the slow, painful death of the printed press, it is time for another paradigm shift imho. -
I had to chime in on this one as I work for one of a handful of Intel Mobile Channel leaders in the US. We buy more MSI than ANYONE in the country and all the speculation about the prices being so low because the new ID's are out, is complete BS. No (smart) business person sells off stock below cost because a new ID has been released for a couple months or even a year. Maybe after a couple, but come on people. I'm not going to say what WE pay for these shells, but if you're paying less than $400 for a 1651-013, something's up. If you're paying under $530 for a 1651-011, again... stolen.
I don't know if people really BELIEVE that in todays economy, hardware is a high margin game, but we deal business direct or to resellers and on-site service companies in our region and I'm LUCKY to see 10 pts. Anyone else who isn't dealing to clueless people and not gouging them, will tell you the same thing. The ONLY items I can HOPE to get 10 pts or better on, and still beat disty's pricing on is anything Intel and all Hard Drives and that's because we're direct with key mfr's.
Also, when you're dealing with the Taiwanese, it's not uncommon to get some "interesting" salutations such as "blessings". -
I thought this thread was dead already...
Darth Bane Dark Lord of the Sith
So sorry to bring this thread back up, but I bought one of these:
So what you think? I will check for a serial number as soon as it arrives... -
Yeah make sure you check, If you find it email Tom Ho at MSI, he's a cool guy and will tell you if its a stolen unit. If you need his email let me know.
Additional Info On Stolen Msi Barebones And Completed Notebooks
Discussion in 'MSI' started by NOTAGEEK!!!, Feb 28, 2009.