Good news for guys who concern about high-end graphic cards in this beast. After several days working and testing, I finally finished the construction for the GT-680R.
Several significant points need to take care by my experience.
First, I would like to talk about the heat sink. The heat sink is not totally fit, you need to do some little modification, which is re-shape some part of the heat sink.
Second, cooling is another issue in this machine. As we know that 6970M’s TDP is around 75-100, over-heat might be another headache for the machine. However, functional turbo fan switch solve this issue. The temperature can be controlled under 93°C after two hours FurMark burn-in, setting with 1920X1080 4AA![]()
*Do not try FurMark burn-in without turbo fan…..Or you will see the hell….
Third, you need to calculate the total Watt of machine. Take example for me, 6970M+2920XM+16G Ram+3Hdd=No booting with stock PSU. So, I switched to 180W PSU. However, GTX 460M+2920XM+16G Ram+3Hdd= works fine: D
Fourth, device problem…..another headache!! The laptop doesn’t recognize 6970M. What I’m doing is use “mod driver” force the system to handle this card. Therefore, if you guys want to try 485M, I suggest use the mod driver instead of stock ones.
Well, that it from my experience. Now, turn back to happy things. 6970M is a good card, with 3.7G O.C 2920XM, we got a wonderful score in 3DM 06, which is 20229 points. Surely we got a nice score in 3DM V, which is over 13000 points in P mode.
That it, hope the information helpful. Now, moving forward folks![]()
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Wow gratz bro
93c O_O
theres absolutely 0 hope for putting this in a GTX740 then -
After several hours testing, I successfully dropped 6970M’s voltage in highest clock profile (which is profile 0) to 1.00V, the original setting is 1.10. The temperature now finally under 90°C after an hour FurMark burn-in: P Also, the setting is still with 1920X1080 4AA: P.............What this means?? It means that combine under voltage and better cooling compound, larger laptop and internal space will probably be cooler than mine
P.S. Anyone knows how to control the fan speed of this beast?? I’ve try many fan speed control utilities, it’s seem that fan speed is related with CPU Temp and controlled by bios. So, I’ll be appreciate if anyone knows how to rewrite or modify the bios fan setting
What graphics card was in your laptop before you installed the 6970m?
Whats the difference between the GX660R and the GT680R? -
Difference between GX660R and the GT680R ?
1. cpu
2. one more SODIMM slot (I think) & supports up to 32GB
3. Graphics card
I think others are pretty similar -
I think that if you originally had an ATI card in your laptop then there wouldn't be any problems.
Did you think about upgrading to a 485m? -
First of all, heat problem is still there. For the regular spec of 680R, Im convinced the maximum thermal management ability probably between 75-100W level cards TDP. From the case of 6970M, you can figure out that full loading is still hot for this laptop. For 485M, with heat sink and voltage modification, chance is still there. However, several hundred dollars with several percentage upgrades is not a good deal.
Second, compared to 485M, I think 470M (or 570M) will be a better option. From 460Ms 72W TDP to 470Ms 75 TDP, 470Ms heat will be similar to 460M. Therefore, it will be a great change to over clock and hit 485M levels door. Not only in tweaking, but also in bios and driver modification, we can get tons of 470M MOD bios profiles.
Btw, I probably will try the 470M someday in the summer, still not sure its worth or not. Well, just wait and see .
P.S. 7000Ms AMD cards will be out in winter, cant wait about trying that -
Would be nice to see some pictures of all this work...!
I have a 6970m and it works fine with my 150W PSU... only when benching I'm getting limited, the 3dMark11 combined test uses about 160-170W when having the GPU and CPU overclocked.
What was your stock PSU rated? Because just using a higher rated PSU usually doesn't mean the system can draw more power... it's limited by some parts on the mobo, the BIOS, or both.
Which driver are you talking about? Is there a problem with the device ID? Doesn't the regular AMD driver work?
I'll try to do a little mod with the fans when I find time... I can let you know in case it works fine. Atm I'm using software to control the fans.
Edit: BTW, how far can you push your card? And another say undervolting works... Did you try to overvolt it? I haven't found a way to increase the voltage so far. -
For the 680R, stock version is 150W PSU comes with 2630QM and 460M; I think the power consumption is below 150W. Why? I had be try O.C. the 2630QM and 460M, and stock PSU worked fine. I still not sure what is the condition limited inside this laptop, it can be booted and works fine in a combination of 2920XM and 460M. For 2920XM + 6970M, booting and normal duty in windows is fine, but heavy duty is not going well with the stock PSU. Thus, I fetched another PSU out of 180W. For 2 weeks using and working without shutdown, my laptop is working fine. Thus, I assume 180W PSU is fine.
The driver I used is the mod early 11.4, AMD 11.3 wouldnt work and stock 11.4 early preview neither. Well, for the ID, still dont know why it doesnt show up the right number of my 6970M.
How far can I push my card? Ive tried the 750/1150 with this card with stock voltage, and it worked fine. Unfortunately, overheat problem is still there in the heavy duty mode with overvolt in my 6970M. It forced my laptop to shut down when I try the games or benchmarks, thats why I didnt post any result of OC. However, RBE 1.28 works for my 6970M overvolt or dowmvolt. Isnt works on yours?
Strange... the 2920xm has the same TDP as the 920xm, and it works fine for me... the rest of your system must draw quite some power. Anyway, good to hear you got it to work!
Indeed nice work on your new gpu upgrade
Could you make a copy of your vbios (with nvflash, per DOS boot) and upload it? -
Do you undervolt in the BIOS or with a program?
I'd really like to know how GOURRYNSX overvolted the card, I'd love to see this. Would be a lot of fun for benching, hahaha
ATI 6970M in GT-680R
Discussion in 'MSI' started by GOURRYNSX, Apr 23, 2011.