Okey I replaced my old HD with an SSD and i reinstalled a virgin W7 and i was installing the graphic driver but...
the one in MSI homepage are actually
ATI Radeon display driver 8.732 (that correspond to catalyst 10.5)
first i want people to understand that catalyst are not the drivers it's stupid to call new driver "catalyst 10.7" because is not the driver the driver is
ATI Radeon display driver 8.753 (that come with catalys 10.7 but you can install it alone as well without the CCC crap)
my problem is i couldnt install the ATI Radeon display driver 8.753 right away he wouldnt reconize my ATI so i though to start with the MSI official site driver and it did work it did reconize the graphic card and loaded the 8.732 then i tryed to update them to 8.753 but it wouldnt let me... I do "custom" on the catalyst installer and i read the driver version i know is the installer for 10.7 but the driver version is the 8.732... at first i though i downloaded the wrong driver an old version but the installer Version is different 3.00.00772 and 3.00.00782...
Something is tricky so i wonder someone can confirm they have on the laptop the driver ATI Radeon display driver 8.753 (dont care what catalyst you have u can have 10.7 but still have the wrong driver)
thx for info and help.
Your description of the issue you're having is a bit confusing, but I'll help you anyhow.
1) The "CCC crap" is actually pretty important.
2) You should always download the latest driver from ATI's website.
3) Make sure you downloaded the driver package for Mobility Radeon video cards, not to be confused with the desktop variant.
Numbers or names are not important, just install the latest driver. Jesus. -
okey the mobility actually (i dont know if people read the info in amd site) is the version of the CCC, WITHOUT the driver!
In that case yes it works because I am still using the driver that MSI gave with his copy of ATI drivers (version 8.732) but the mobility one you download (and i did) only upgrade the CCC
CCC doesnt effect the FPS in a game it is only a control panel to fix some AA and other stuff manually or to OC.
So people that say I gained FPS installing the new CATALIST 10.7 (the mobility one that doesnt include any new version of the DRIVER) are wrong.
the driver is the one that make you gain FPS I wonder if someone that has MSI and that has CATALIST MOBILITY 10.7 installed can check with GPU-Z or even inside catalist itself which effective version of the driver he is using
if the driver is 8.732 it means we are still at the version 10.5 catalist and we only improved the console but not the real driver (and honestly i dont like to use CCC i dont like any extra console that i dont need)
then is a problem of my driver ^_^ that what i was trying to understand
It toke me one day but i figured it out... the driver on the site the one that is not the "all in one" is actually a wrong version...
so in the mobility page the only driver that actually allow you to update your gpu is the first one not the second on (the version that is suppose to be only the catalyst and the drivers)
i guess i am the only one that doesnt go for the full package i just dont like to intall things i dont need -
SOmehow you start to need specific things when trying to connect external monitor, manage clock speeds or making adjustments to color schemes...
i usually dont use anything not nvidia nore CCC... I mean most game fix those things inside I am not planning to OC (i do on my desktop and usa actually MSI afterburner with GTX470)
What does it actually give me CCC that i need... (other then taking 150mb on my ssd and slowing a lil my startup)
I am still formatting and reinstalling for the fun of it to test the most confy setup for myself so i may give a shot to CCC since you recomand it I just dont see why would i need it.
^_^ but i always willing to try if competent people tell me it's worthy -
MSI Afterburner is awesome as always. -
that is what i though... i mean i dont plan to overlock(overdrive feat.) my graphic card and i dont find powerplay give that much advantage over the normal powersaving option in the bios to justify the 150mb+slower start up
thats why i though i would have skip it specially on an SSD where you try to save space150mb is 30/40 songs
If you ever need the optical drive, you can go external. -
thats intresting as i honestly NEVER use the optical driver.... i will open it up this weekend
ATI 5850 drivers... general info + question
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Pekish79, Aug 5, 2010.