just some random thoughts..
are people expecting relatively equal performance measures when the K series comes out?
sorry i dont have a quick link to the Kseries but if i remember right, its going to be a 15" w/ a better keyboard & an ati4860.
wondering if i should hold off. the Kseries comes out in a month or so if speculation is correct.
prices i expect should be RELATIVELY equal.
Lets wait for the prices, meanwhile, read this http://translate.google.com/transla...rce-102m-4874.html&sl=it&tl=en&history_state0 ?
Yes the K50AB/K51AB with AMD/ATI 4860 with DDR5 should be something else and with the 1366x768 LED screen it should easily play almost every game very,very well.
Not sure if the PUMA platform will hold it back but this system does look awesome, but we have to see what the final specs are and how much $$$ they are going to cost.
I'm really excited about this laptop and hopefully we can start ordering them soon.
Anyone have a clue as to when they are going to be released? -
Puma won't hold back the system. Pumas perform almost as well as Core 2 Duos. Even the slowest Core 2 Duo won't be the bottleneck in most games, the GPU is still the limiting factor.
It will probably be the bottleneck in games such as GTA IV and supreme commander
Yeah but those games are bound by CPU rather than GPU in the first place so you could have a lesser GPU and still be bottlenecked by the CPU.
Was not even considering anything else besides the GT627 or GT725, but seeing this...Well, word on the street is that the K series will be cheap (~700 euros = ~$1100 CAD), so if it all turns out to be true, I might have found my laptop
K series is supposed to be their value gamer line. Don't expect much on build quality (how else do you think they will cut costs?)
The K-Series has an AMD Griffin Processor as it was shown in the Cebit Video. Now ... what is a Griffin? I googled and think it's a "Mobile Turion X2" Processor. Now if you lookup in the benchmarks the best mobile AMD CPU has 1.300 Points compared to 1550 Points with a P8400. That'll be O.K. I guess. Though other mobile AMDs are much worse with 1180 Points only... therefore I could imagine that the overall performance of the K-Series is worse compared to the gt725.
Still, if the price holds up to the promise... one of it would be mine. Btw. I can't help myself, the Display chassis of the K-Series looks like cheap plastic... -
Just was extrapolating from their recent F6Ve, according to NBR's review. Seems like recently Asus build quality has been lax.
Isn't the 15'' K series going to be very similar to the current n81, in terms of specs?
So in terms of price, woudn't the slightly more expensive GPU in the K negate the cheaper AMD processor used? Therefore wouldn't the price range fall within the range of the n81?
All just speculation of course. -
I would think the GPU would be cheaper since it uses a smaller manufacturing process. Just like how the new GTX 280 is cheaper (and better) than the 9800M GTX.
VRAM is ddr5, but system RAM will be ddr2
umm this sounds interesting since there is WAY more Asus resellers in Canada vs MSI.
ASUS K series v. gt725
Discussion in 'MSI' started by iiqae, Apr 5, 2009.