Finally got my laptop and fully running, I have Windows Vista fully patched as well as all the drivers from the website.
My system:
MSI 1652/GX630
QL-60 1.9ghz CPU
2 gigs Ram....
My CPU temps are 56c at idle, GPU slightly cooler at 53c, when I hit the turbo button temps rise to 70c at idle within seconds. I am scared to check the temps under full load. I have double checked the heatsink mounting and it is properly mounted and the fan is plugged in.
What am I overlooking or I need to do to get these temps down?
Replace the thermal pads with some thermal paste like AS5, MX-2 or Freeze. That would be the most obvious solution. My t9400 CPU is usually around 35-40c idle and never gets above 50-60c for the cpu. The GPU is 40-45c idle and never gets above 65-75c in L4D.
but NOT the actual pads those are to thick to be replaced by thermal paste he means im sure strictly the cpu die and gpu die only
Yes, not for the chipset and the stuff around the gpu.
Wow that is quite scarey for idle temps in turbo, try force run the fan at full, i think there a programs out there, check intakes etc etc, thats all i can think really.
But there should be no reason to if its quite new. -
, guess I will have to order some more.
I have read on here of people undervolting there CPus but cant find any posts on it now so I am nor sure of what programs I need to do it. I got Rightmark CPU Clock Utility but it wont run, something about a missing file.
I could definatly use a Fan speed increase right now I can barely feel anything coming out the exhaust but I dont know how to do that either. -
Google around for fan increase programs, i think rivatuner may have the option but im not sure, but definately give that a try.
I updated the Bios w/ a new GX630 bios which added the turbo function and I have not seen any options for fanspeed, I did see the overclocking options they are set to Auto and I can't change them to anything else.
Looks like I screwed up in removing the pink stuff -
Thermal Pad - Heatsink Paste Alternative
. -
no that one is still to thin the one that comes with it is very thick compared to that one. that one is simply a pad used in place of normal paste.
quick question: do you remove the silver sticker found on the cpu heatsink? (the part that actuallt goes on the cpu so not the chipset) or do you just leave it and put as5 directly on it?
if you are using as5 remove it, the stuff flakes right off
I asked the seller of differant sizes of thermal pads the best he had for what I needed it for and he sent me a link to , its 2.5cmx2.5cmx2mm but he sells custom sizes as well, but I thik its plenty big enough I am just concerned with the thickness. -
Do you hear the fans changing speed, if not you may have the same problem as me, put it in sleep mode. Wake it up. See if that helps, fans then change according to heat.
Just a guess, probably not your problem though. -
I found these, ,at least its a US company so it wont take as long to get them, but I cant order them till next week, so another 2 weeks till I can use this laptop, that is if this solves my problem.
i can order some AS5 at the same time and replace that white stuff on the GPU and CPU. -
Holy! 90C! My GPU only reached 91C and that was after playing GTAIV for hours with the fan on lowest speed. Now i know how to get fan adjusting so its no longer the case but wow!
Good luck on fixing that. Im sure after you get the pads/thermal you will be the coolest ever,
+ Courage for doing all this. Ive been dealing a long time with desktops but laptops always give me the willies. -
I got it seems exactly what I needed, looks and feels the same as the old one that I discarded.
Idle temps still seem slightly high at 50c for both the CPU and GPU, I am guessing I need a fan speed increase but I dont have a clue as to how to do that, anyone know of a guide? -
@zfactor and @diablo2k
do i need to buy those thermal pads in order to upgrade my CPU in my GX620 ? does those pads comes with barebones only ? -
thanks for the answer
but the one from Ebay link is 2mm thickness and the one you have from is 0.5mm thickness.
maybe this is the problem ? and you need to put a thicker pad?
ARGH! Temps to high, need help.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by diablo2k, Mar 24, 2009.