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    A good problem to have?!

    Discussion in 'MSI' started by Bearclaw, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Bearclaw

    Bearclaw Steaming

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    Okay guys here's the dilemma.

    I've been playing Dirt 2, with my headset on most of the time, so there's no sound from the external speakers. However once in a while I get these very small microstutters that only happens in games by Codemasters (i.e GRID has it too).

    Then, I unplugged my headset and let the speakers go on full blast. The sound was awesome, but then I realized the microstutters got worse and worse. It seems like each time the microstutter happens my HDD usage is at max (Light on). (I've got over 50% free space on each of my drives).

    So I've got a hypothesis, the vibration from the subwoofer/speakers is causing the HDD head to vibrate as well, causing instability.

    What I don't understand is why it only happens in these games and not others.
  2. g4m3r1337

    g4m3r1337 Notebook Consultant

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    Does it do that with BF:BC2? (with all the explosions)
    It should, if your "hypothesis" is correct!
    ...the game's sound quality or the problems with having sub's in laptops?

    I dont think dirt 2/grid has better sound than bc2.

    Did you also try reducing the bass in some audio levels?
  3. Bearclaw

    Bearclaw Steaming

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    I've tried the speakers in Red Faction Guerrilla, and Beat Hazard (music game, should trigger the effect if it ever does), and both of them didn't have the problem.

    It's definitely not the subwoofer that's the problem, or any other audio issue. This happens when I unplug my headset and let the speakers run.

    The odd thing is, Dirt2 and GRID has microstutters even with headset sometimes, but not other games. Usually with the headset on it lasts less than one second, just a very slight stutter. When I unplug though, it can last 3-5 seconds and my HDD usage during that time is maxed.

    Really perplexed.