Hi there, I'm new to the forums and am currently looking to buy a decent laptop to game on. After alot of reading I've decided that the Sager/Clevo's are a bit on the expensive side of the price/performance ratio and have pretty much sold myself on the GT725-074US from Amazon. This sound reasonable?
I've never bought a laptop new and have built my own desktops for the last 7-8 years so this first question may seem a no brainer. The 725 ships with 32-bit Vista, I can live with this but do you get the actual OEM CD included in the package or is it one of these 'Restore Packs' that when used installs a fresh copy of the OS but with all those irritating freebies that no one wants. The reason I ask is that as soon as I get it, I would format the HD and reinstall a fresh copy of windows, update the drivers and go from there.
If that fails, I may invest in a copy of 64-bit Ultimate but that's another $180 my credit card will hate me for![]()
Another question was on the quality of the 1680 x 1050 screens. Are they prone to bleeding at the bottom as I've read a few of the 1900 x 1200s are? I'm not sure this would put me off but would obviously prefer it to not be the case.
Last, (for now!) how is the cooling/vents on the 725? Would it be smart to invest in a cooler, keeping in mind this will spend the vast majority of the time in a single place on my desktop and I intend to squeeze as much power out of it as I go along and get used to it. I know various coolers work better for different makes/models, can anyone recommend a good cooler for the 725 if they have any experience with them? Otherwise I may just invest in a Zalman NC2000.
Thanks in advance for any help, this site is very informative and friendly!
Does this 17" laptop has a 2nd Hard Drive bay
No it does not..
Zalman NC2000 is a very nice cooler, but, its a bit pricey. Theres a new one that cameout, zalman nc1500 which is half the price. Its on newegg. But i still like the NC2000
U need a cooler at least with my experience.
Hmm, i searched a bit more about coolers, the antec one with double bearing fans is the best one ive been hearing so far. Instead of drawing hot air, the antec blows cold air to the bottom of the laptop. And it lifts up the back while it blows air. Which is cool and very good for gt725 underbody. Alot of holes.
A few questions about the GT725-074US...
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Verbal v2, Apr 26, 2009.