haha thanks Bron5. Yes very pleased indeed. This turns out to be a really nice super netbook after all lol.
Plus an msi tech that told me we can use 4gig stick makes this even better.
I'm trying to find a 4gig stick cas4 or cas5 since my 2gig stick is cas6.
lower cas overclocks better. single channel also overclocks better than double channel.
I also tuned the windows 7 and i'm about 25 processus at idle so that makes the cpu breath better. I started with 55 at first bootup.
Now I need to find how to make setfsb run at startup or after sleep/hibernate with task scheduler so it overclocks gradually and then closes setfsb.
Glad you managed to OC that thing
May be this could help http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=330419
Haven't tried it .. -
also found this in that thread which i think I will do.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=441486 -
thanks dude. Now I need to try Rmclock and try to lower a bit the voltage , but its already low as it is . I think the lowest I see it go is 0.875 normally with x4 multiplier. at x7 its at 0.900 -
Nice find ! Yours is better actually
i think the memory could be unstable or maybe its something else. -
here is the WEI at 1.6ghz
at stock speed :
cpu: 3.3
memory: 4.8-4.9
3d: 3.5
gaming: 3.2
HD: 5.8Attached Files:
hey bron5 , do you feel the fan is on the noisy side even al low level idling on yours?
Its kinda noticable on mine. in a quiet to moderate room you can hear it. its always on. wonder if its normal.
My cousin's laptop , a sony CR with intel t7100 , can't hear the fan. -
Hey ferrarista!
My fan is pretty quiet. I rarely notice it. It is always on and audible, but only when its quiet. About half the notebooks I have, have fans that always run and they tend to be cooler than the others, so it works for me. My HP's is louder and very audible, but it does not bother me too much. Heat is bad for chip life, so makes sense, I think.
If it were very noisy, I would object, but this "whisper" I find very acceptable.
Of course, I have not oc'd mine. Might that cause the fans to run a bit faster? -
Nop fan runs the same overclocked or not. I also reduced it to 1.6ghz
because my stock 2gig hyundai memory doesn't seem to like overclocking.
I'm trying to find a programmer to custom make a bios with overclock
capability. that would be awsome.
I know its possible because someone made a new bios for the hp mini 311 for overclocking and those things run 2.2ghz no problem. of course those atom chips even at 2.2 are still slower than the su3500 chip. imagine the x340 at 1.8-1.9ghz they would be little warriors.
after that with a 4 gig stick you practicly have one hell of a good notebook.
I saw a huge difference in speed at 1.7ghz. -
Well, you're way ahead of me.
And much more adventurous. Good for you and good luck!
Btw, late at night and I can hear my fan, but it's fairly quiet, I don't really notice it unless I think about it like now. -
Just got one rebranded X340 barebone, with SU4100 (not SU3500); nice notebook. I´m already planning upgrade to 4Gb stick or one SSD.
And good news about the new X360 with CULV i5. -
do you have the chiclet keyboard? -
Let us know how the SSD works out if you do it. -
@ icefly: congrats. the keyboard and touchpad is slightly different. wish mine came with su4100 lol.
enjoy yours. hope the fan management is better lol -
I've been using the notebook for the past weeks and I can say I really like it.
I got used to the keyboard since i'm used to type on chicklet. keyboard stays pretty stiff the whole way. no problem like the earlier models.
the track pad feels much better with the sentelic drivers and the right settings. I also polished up the track pad surface with metal paste and it feels better now.its more responsive I find.
It is pretty fast for a single core IMO. the fujitsu hardrive is pretty fast too. I boot up in about 40 seconds to the desktop which is not bad.
its perfect for what It was intended. I use it for internet and also watch videos.
overclocked to 1.65ghz is even better. I wanted to put a 4 gig stick, but for what I do 2 gig is fine. i'll save the money. the bandwidth is pretty good too.
Maybe what i'll do later on is a copper shim modification on the cpu and gpu with as5 paste so I can lower even more the temperatures. this way i'll be able to always be overclocked and when I watch an HD movie it won't trigger the fan to the higher speed. it goes in higher mode when it goes past 50 degrees on the ACPI.
battery is pretty good too. I can get 7 hours easily while browsing internet, blutooth off, power saver. for the price I paid its a steal.
thanks Bron5 for the good feedbacks. -
You're welcome, my friend. Enjoy your 340!
Well, I contacted Itautec asking for this 8-cell battery; they promissed to check but I´m still waiting for any contact from them
If you don´t want to wait, look at eBay for "MSI X340 8 cell battery"; you´ll find some ebayers selling this battery, at about US$ 70 w/ free shipping. See it? -
All these 8 cell batteries from ebay are countefeit. I want the real deal...
there you go : https://shop.msicomputer.com/App/StoreFront/ProductDetail.aspx?ID=1360 -
I find that I am finally able to play 720p flash video at full framerates and even 1080p flash with reasonably smooth playback with this overclock. The integrated graphics processor also seems to benefit from the overclocked memory speeds.
I agree that this notebook has even more potential if there was a modded bios that locked the fsb:memory ratio at 1:1. Its clear that overclocking is being held back by the limitations of the hynix ram. -
hey jacetin,
I'm glad that my info helped you overclock your x340. this processor has no problem with overclocking. like you said the problem is the ram. I have a hyundai module and doesn't like when you overclock it too much. I keep it at around 1.7ghz because i've had bsod above that.
if someone could do a bios so we could set the front side bus it would be really nice. another thing you can do is swap the ram for a 667mhz or a good 800mhz ram with lower cas. for some reason my stock ram is cas 6. I've seen some at cas 5 stock.
Like you ,I have no problem looking at flash videos in 720p and 1080p. and now with 10.1 flash its even better. videos on the hd is was not a problem even before overclocking.
I was also confirmed by msi that you can install a 4gig module.
I still haven't had the chance to modify the cooling. I wanna lap the cpu and gpu with copper plates and thermal to lower the temperature. this way the temps could stay under 50 degrees when watching an hd video and not trigger the higher speed fan.
when I find the time i will do it.
can wait to see the x360 with i core cpu , ddr3 ram , dual ram and improved design. especially the keyboard. -
U da man! It's amazing to me what you've accomplished with this thing. I'm pretty sure they never contemplated oc'ing this slim design, but you seem to have achieved it. I'm impressed! And you've been great about coming back and sharing with everyone here the results of your hard work.
Yea, the 360 sounds good. Can't imagine what you'd do with that one!
Another rep for you, my friend! -
thanks Bron5 for your post!
I try to do my best.
I think its a disease. everything I have I try to improve or modify lol
I don't think the x360 will need to be touched though lol. its a perfect blend of power and style. with the icore, its much more powerful than the u3500 haha. runs circle around it.
still for what I do with the laptop, the x340 does everything I want it without problems. -
Thanks for PLL.
A New Front in the Value Slim Notebook Market-MSI X-Slim X340 Open Box Review
Discussion in 'MSI' started by windwithme, May 29, 2009.