So one of my friends is selling me a 9800m GT which I will attempt to put in my 1722 ID2 with some mods of course. I do believe it will fit. I will have it in 2 days so I will keep you posted.
Sorry for the wrong topic, Its supposed to say 9800m GT.
has anyone ever tried doing this, if so please shed some light.
is it the 1gb version??? MXM II or III?
Its 512mb and I assume its MXM III. I am not real familier with these cards so Thats why I am asking if anyone has ever done this, I do know the 9800m GS from the GT627 will fit it with a heatsink mod.
it should work in theory. but can your heat sink support it?
Dont knw why bt Nvidia has higher TDP for cards while ATi has lesser.
9800M GS and GT hv the same size, only clock difference, so pick up the GT627 heatsink and you are done. -
He would need a GT725 heatsink, the GT627 heatsink will not fit the 1722 chassis.
Can he also flash the gt to gts?
Wont the heatsink for 1722 id2 work?
(one of the barebone ones with the 9600gt)
Prehaps he can get one cheap -
GT is better than GTS, not to mention they are different cores.
I think GT is 64 while GTS is 96, nt too sure.
The heatsink wont be effective enough to take out heat, if it was designed for 9600M GT. -
Yeah i believe it can be flashed so that there is a higher core output, although i dont think it has all 96 pipelines, unless they can be unlocked (some gpu's can)
GT = 96. GTS = 64.
No reason to flash GT to GTS. There are some users that flash the GS to the GTS though. -
GS and GT hv the same core.
GTS is always higher, Since 9800m GS is like 9600(desktop) so it has 64 and GTS has either 96 or 112.(nt quite sure.) -
Also as for the heat sink, if he used a 9600 heat sink and a cooler, say zalman 2000, prehaps they will handle the temps nicely.
Custom paste prehaps too? -
I was having a hard time deciding which resource to link, but I'll go with Nvidia themselves
Notice the GT listed higher, in a different category even, than the GTS, and then click on the two to see the different number of shader cores.
GS can be flashed to GTS since the only difference is voltage and speed, but you can't flash to a GT because it is a different card. One user got banned for (among other gross misstatements) trying to sell a G50 that had been "flashed" to a GT. -
Agreed neil, however there is a farely big clock difference when comparing the gts and gt, altho the pipelines to count for alot of the performance.
nVidia just screwed up their naming for the high end 9 series. Mid-high end follows the desktop scheme, 9700M GT is mid (128-bit) < 9700M GTS is high (256-bit). The odd one out is the 9800M series, where GS < GTS < GT < GTX. Usually it's GS < GT < GTS < GTX.
The stock heatsink will not work, its to short.. I will have to mod it somehow, I get it tomorrow.
I dont knw why, bt nVidia loves to play with names.
Maybe it should be
nVIDIA : The Way It's Meant To Be Renamed -
Lol silicon, sounds about right, but the GTS only falls short by about 200 marks in all tests then the gt, due to the gts having alot higher clock (in my oppinion).
I don't expect this to work. A 9600M usually means the slot is MXM-II.
I got the 9800m GT and it does fit into the slot but the heatsink wont fit. I have to come up with a mod for it, I hope it works.
9800m GS
Discussion in 'MSI' started by nacr05, May 4, 2009.