I just upgraded my laptop with Samsung 970 Evo 500 GB but I think that drive is running too hot.
After transferring file of 50 GB from one SSD to EVO. I will show a picture of temps. The first temp is good but HW info shows 2 temps and the second one is one that I do not like(78 C max). I have cooler by default (Msi gt 73) and pad under it. Maybe this SSD is not for laptop and needs active cooling?
I use several 970 EVO's and Pro's and the Temps are nowhere near 70C.
The 1TB 970 EVO I have in the gaming laptop hits 56-59C max.
Which slot do you have it in?
Sent from my SM-N950U using TapatalkIvan994 likes this. -
Do you have it under a heat shield with a thermal pad on it by any chance?
Ivan994 likes this. -
I'm a bit of fanatic when it comes to storage, especially SSD's so when I see something related to that I'm naturally drawn toward it.
Hmm iirc in my GT73 I had a toshiba and a Samsung PM951 I think it was and the Samsung ran pretty cool, while the toshiba just burned up...
Maybe try testing without the heat shield then test it with a new thermal pad being careful not to touch the pad with your bare hands... and see if that helps..Ivan994 likes this. -
Then I found the right man for this!
Hmm I could try that, but still my Toshiba is very cool under that heat shield. Could SSD be defective? I am new in this m2 SSD world, I do not know is this dangerous temperature or no? Also, I am confused that drive 1 temperature is perfectly fine but drive 2 temperature is not.
Try out the different combo's and see if that helps.Ivan994 likes this. -
Ivan994 likes this.
I see no reason for removing.
After emoving you will have 5-10 C (maybe more) less but as long you stay under 60° there should be no throtteling.
first step should be to find out why the temperature is so high.
easiest thing would be to make some pics and upload them to see how your config is first.Ivan994 likes this. -
JeanLegi likes this. -
a pic from your hs where the pad is would be great too!
below a picture from my 970 Evo raid 0 after AS SSD Benchmark and lowest temperature after booting.
the temps are daily? or only after doing benchmarks and transfer several gb from one location to another. i know temps like your only when i move my 500-800gb of games from the raid 0 to my external hdd for backup when i need to reinstall my device.Ivan994 likes this. -
I do not have time right now to take apart the laptop again but I will take picture for you as soon as I get some time. -
no i do the benchmark only with auto fan settings.
the airflow from the both fans in the gt73vr are the same like the gt75vr and are good enough for this.
i have only a U3 Notebook Cooler without fans under my GT75VR.
https://eu.coolermaster.com/de/cooling/notebook-cooling/notepal-u3-plus/ -
you don't have an cooler or something else under your GT73vr?
benchmark 75 C -
i could but therefore i must destroy my Raid 0
so don't be mad with me bro but not at the moment.
find below temps after using firefox/idle and the second one are the temps during playing Max Payne 3 after 20min.
What do you think to put 0.5 mm pads on the drive and to left 1 mm stock ones taped on the heatsink? Maybe I will get better pressure?
try it but i would recommend to use 1mm.
there should be no difference but i would use 1mmIvan994 likes this. -
It is 1mm, it has a good contact. I checked. Maybe I will try 1.5mm ?
1.5 is to thick with 1mm you have an very good pressure.
Fw is up to Date?
If yes contact the Support from Samsung for rma your ssd to get an new oNe.Ivan994 likes this. -
Ivan994 likes this.
Thank you! -
I forget to do that also sometimes
yes I can see all that users have very high SSD temperatures, some of them are even hotter than mine. What is very interesting I do not have a problem with PCH, never past mid 60 C
Ivan994 likes this.
I had also a nightmare with CPU uneven temps but I solve that after sanding my HS many times
It went me crazy! Now I have perfectly good CPU temps, even in prime 95 I can keep it around 81 C but you always have something with technology, nothing is perfect. Thank you all for help! I am not sure would it help to put some pads under ssds, not just on HS. I need to make again 1mm pad because I have just 0.5 mm pads and I put them together to make 1mm one
Maybe I cannot blame Samsung but my Toshiba SSD drive is perfectly cold. I just tested in Atto, 60 C max.
JeanLegi likes this. -
I use ATTO looks good for your temps. so we do all we can do and heliada save us before we doing stupid things
I order 1mm pads, maybe my selfmade pads are not good enough
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
After 6 months?Ivan994 likes this. -
Falkentyne Notebook Prophet
Sorry no. Mine gets to 80C in my desktop even though it has a heatsink, when i do ATTO benchmark. So no I can't help, sorry.
Have some Time this evenning and i‘m bored playing Games...
Quick Check what temperature could be reach when the Stickers are remove.
First Remote the Stickers with this spatel from some paste i owned a long time ago.
After this i used some alcohol pads to clean the chips. I put the stickers on the back of the ssds. Last but Not least i do an atto benchmark and post the result in a few minutes or tomorrow.
Idle Temps after 5min
Temps after ATTO
one ssd is 1C hotter the other one 2C cooler.
as i wrote no benefit of removing it. in idle i have 5C less then before.Last edited: Jan 14, 2019Kevin@GenTechPC and Ivan994 like this. -
I order 1 mm pads and I will try again with pads to lower temperatures at least like yours if not, I will just enjoy with my hot drive. During normal staff It will not throttle, max temp is about 67 C
Problem is just simple, air flow
I have better temperatures in games than in idle. Look my temps after 2 hours of gaming almost, drive just need fans.
JeanLegi likes this.
970 EVO too hot or?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Ivan994, Jan 12, 2019.