Hey all.
I have the powerpro version of this laptop coming in soon and was wondering where I can go to find the latest Nvidia 780m drivers for win7 64 bit?
Do I need to mod something or is there a place where I can download the already modified drivers?
Also, will the windows 8 drivers work on windows 7?
Thanks all!
You can start from here, it will guide you thorough the entire process
P.S. My advice to you as many have mentioned it n times is to keep windows 8 as it is and install an application like start8 (it only costs $5) Windows 8 start menu returns with Start8 from Stardock! and all the required drivers are mentioned on the above given link. -
Thanks for that info! Problem is that I cannot use windows 8 as the proprietary software I use does not run on windows 8.
Do you think Nvidia will add the 780m to their main site eventually? And for the time being, if I do, will windows 8 drivers work on 7? -
Most of the drivers are back compatible with windows 7. And the driver from MSI website for the graphic card which is for windows 8, should work with windows 7 just fine. Please remember to make a backup of your system on a usb stick / dvd's before doing any experiences* with the system. Or if you have a spare drive to try it out, it's even better.
By the way, the backup image is saved on the 1tb hard drive (if its the option you choose of 128gb msata ssd + 1tb hdd) -
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Gotcha thanks for the info guys!
I know Nvidia just released a new driver today and i just want to make sure that when i get this thing next week I can be up to date. Sounds like I might need to wait a tad for it.
Do the Nvidia mobile drivers contain the Optomiss stuff as well or is that a separate download?
Also random question... Someone mentioned that you can hold down a specific key on the top bar when booting to get a slight overclock. Anyone have any info on that at all? -
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Look Here for the new 320.49 NVIDIA driver.
http://forum.notebookreview.com/msi/719029-official-msi-gt60-2od-owners-lounge-74.html#post9256915 -
It forces the CPU to work in turbo state continously. It does not overclock it because of the locked multiplier.
780M dirver?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by apachehavok, Jun 25, 2013.