I just purchased the MSI GT725-075US from NewEgg. I noticed it comes with a 9 cell battery that protrudes from the rear of the system. Other versions of the GT725 come with a 6 cell battery that is flush with the rear of the system.
Where can I purchase the flush-mounted 6 cell battery? I checked MSI's site and did some web searches for it. I found one seller who claimed to have it but the picture wasnt accurate, so I wonder if its the right product.
Any help would be appreciated.
NecessaryEvil Notebook Evangelist
Trade you my 6 for your 9
Provantage.com carries both batteries.
Red_Dragon Notebook Nobel Laureate
you should buy a 6 cell use it in the notebook when plugged in and only charge the 9 cell when you need the battery life, no need to kill the 9 cell by keeping it plugged in all day
Any help on this one would be appreciated.
Still havent managed to find one. My email to MSI went without reply. Any ideas?
Ill trade you my 6-cell for a 9-cell.. I have only owned it for about a month.
Thanks guys, but I want to *purchase* a 6 cell battery. I plan on keeping my 9 cell.
does your battery looks like the one in this Link ?
6 Cell battery for a 725?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by projectgsx, Mar 3, 2009.