Those who have overclocked their 570m, can you please post the following details:
1. What are your OC frequencies?
2. Which laptop are you using?
3. Max temperatures under load?
4. What tool are you using for OC?
5. Are you using anything apart from stock config for cooling?
6.Any Tips for fellow overclockers?
Many thanks.
I have a MSI G780dx-215US
I have modifed the actually GPU bios to increase the standard default's to which you can see below I have also increased the GPU voltage to .9v
To increase over the new default settings I have used nvidia inspector. I am using stock cooling setup, temps have been no higher than 74c and I have a fresh MX2 paste. I am looking to upgrade the CPU as only got the ickle i7 2630 so am looking at getting something else in place I have found an i7 2820 that i am conidering using
Only 74C inspite of such high clocks on stock cooling? Is it because of adjusting voltage? Or is the 780 that much better at cooling? I have 683DXR btw.
2) GT683DXR
3) 82c
4) nVidia Inspector
5) Stock cooling
6) I flashed the vbios to .9v. It helps with reaching a higher overclock ceiling. -
mindinversion Notebook Evangelist
currently running 700/1400/1800 @ approx 83c max. Debating repaste with AS5, not sure if it would make much of a difference though. Would REALLY like to find a beefier fan that'll fit in the stock location for better cooling. . . -
To the best of my knowledge, it currently supports any MSI 570m in any model. -
mindinversion Notebook Evangelist
Exactly the same tool I used -
Are there any risks involved in using Svet's VBIOS tuner?
In that case, a possible tutorial for someone who wants to try it for the first time, maybe?
Check the link provided by Keith1341, it redirects to another MSI forum that contains a quick guide on how to do this written by Svet himself.
I hope that makes it clearer what I am trying to say. -
Anyone else overclocking their 570M video card?
Post your scores here please so we could compare. -
Temps for NON oc gaming with stock paste are from 77-80c. tested with metro 2033 intense gaming which is the game that has most used my GPU. BF3 temps are from 75-79c.
Temps for NON oc gaming with IC Diamond:
74-77 metro 2033
72-74 bf3
Temps for 720 core oc, stock paste:
79-83 metro 2033
78-81 bf3
Temps for 720 core oc, IC Diamond:
76-79 metro 2033
75-77 BF3
Second 3dmark11:
Stock clocks.
720 core oc.
all done with drivers in my sig.
Third FPS in games:
BF3@ 1080p. all ultra. aadef off. aapost high. ssao
stock clocks: 28 low 50 high 33 average
720 core oc: 35 low 60 high (vsync limited) 42 average -
Thanks for the benchmark results Flapo! plus rep for you!
Anyone else want to share there results and overclock settings? -
I already posted this on the main GT780 thread, I'm re posting it here for quick reference.
Nvidia 268.90 (MSI)
P2367 3DMark 11 (Stock)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P2367 3DMarks
P2509 3DMark 11 (TDE)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P2509 3DMarks
P2963 3DMark 11 (TDE + Afterburner)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P2963 3DMarks
P13622 3DMark Vantage (TDE + Afterburner)
Nvidia 285.62 (Nvidia site)
P2664 3DMark 11 (Stock)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P2664 3DMarks
P2855 3DMark 11 (TDE)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P2855 3DMarks
P3401 3DMark 11 (TDE + Afterburner) 700/1400/1700
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P3401 3DMarks
P13682 3DMark Vantage (TDE + Afterburner) Max temp 85C after running funmark with cooler boost off
Nvidia 285.79 beta (Nvidia site)
P2669 3DMark 11 (Stock)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P2669 3DMarks
P2856 3DMark 11 (TDE)
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P2856 3DMarks
P3399 3DMark 11 (TDE + Afterburner) 700/1400/1700
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2760QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P3399 3DMarks
P13672 3DMark Vantage (TDE + Afterburner) Max temp 85C after running funmark with cooler boost off. -
Thanks for posting DropZite! plus rep for you as well
A couple from me using 3d mark vantage sorry no stock clock taken
Core clock 675Mhz, 1800 mem
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2630QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P13180 3DMarks
core clock 775 Mhz, 1900 mem
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2630QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P14603 3DMarks
core clock 850, 1900
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2630QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P15202 3DMarks
Same as above but with physx ON
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-2630QM Processor,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-1761 score: P17920 3DMarks
current setting's
Yes sorry I should have said 1700 was the shader I set for all tests -
Did you monitor your temps with these settings?
What are good/healthy settings for a gtx570m with stock cooling?
Are 76°C healthy for a gtx570m?
What Settings have to be modified to get higher fps? Core Clock? Shader Clock? Memory Clock? -
76*c for stock paste is normal. You have nothing to worry about. You can chnage core and memory clock since shader is core doubled. Look at all the posted clocks here for reference, some like jame5's are possible due to overvolt.
I had a play with Svet's vbios tool, as he has released version .92a, it had an option to increase the volts to .92 so I made this change and no others and it black screens my laptop, gone back to .9v anyone else had the same with the .92v setting
I will add for pitha1337 that my temps have not exceeded 74c as yet with OE cooling. -
Is it recommendable to change volts to 0.9v to have higher clocks with stock cooling?
What about artifacts with such high clockings? For example in Battlefield 3 ? Are they gone with 0.9v? -
Sorry when I say OE yes I mean standard cooling fan -
and for the P1 (turbo on) my setting's are below -
Sry but I have to ask again
Is there a connection between GPU voltage, high clocks and artifacts in games?
When I set my settings above 700/800/1400 0,85V I got artifacts in Battlefield 3 and 3D Mark 11. Or is it a temp problem? Will 0,9V solve this problem? what is the disadvantage of higher volts? -
Are you running @720/1440/1750 wih 0,9V? When I set these settings with 0,85 V (default) then I got artifacts (strange black, green lines in the picture) in BF3 and 3DMark11. What am I doing wrong?
By stability you mean no artifacts?
Maybe I have to say that I have the 15" inch barebone from Medion. But it is the same as the MSI barebone. -
Have you pushed the clocks to the point of instability yet? I saw you went up to 900 MHz and I'm curious if you are experiencing artifacts.
I plan to buy Svet's tool, but I don't have the cash right now. I figured I'd make sure I know what other people have been able to do with this card, though. -
I ran 950/1000/2000 and it would black screen @ this, I have not noticed or had any probs with artifacts as yet I have been playing a fair bit of BF3 (not that I am any good), dirt3, dead island, crysis 2, starcraft 2 all on max settings wiyhout fault -
Did you run 3dmark with the clocks in your ss 900/1800/1950? it'd be interesting to see how the card run at such ridiculously high clock. Also max temp while you're at it.
Yep would like to see that too because I am quite surprised it could go that high on clocks and perform such high scores on 3dmark with 192bits bus width and 24 ROPS - that means it is as powerful as a 6970/6990m o/c
thats not gonna happen since this card will be limited by its bus width and bandwidth
@James5 thanks for posting those benchmark results, plus rep for you!
Is it possible to set the custom overclock in the P1 button? So when you press P1 you run on the custom overclock you made and press P1 again to disable it and return back to stock. Is this possible? -
Yes using svet vbios tool
sorry for the n00b query, but what is TDE? Is that the built-in TURBO button + MSI Nvidia Overclock tool being active?
[email protected] Company Representative
anyone here have gtx570m with 3gb gddr5?
i need its vbios to compare the vram control code with 1.5gb one.......please help backup one for me, much appreciated! -
Is it posible to edit the 570m p0 and p1 mode on an Medion Erazer x6891 with Svets Vbios Tool? Is there a special Button to acticate this option?
Yes Svet tool works on all 570m's but I am not sure how you activate the turbo feature on your Laptop, I take it you have the nivida overclock software installed? -
Yes I have installed the OC Software from the MSI homepage and linked it to a button (FN+P1). So the software starts when I press the button combination but nothing happens
Before that I've flashed my VBIOS. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You can edit P1 now with Svet's tool, I got him to add it.
570m Overclock
Discussion in 'MSI' started by anurag1910, Nov 6, 2011.