So I was going to get the 580GTX but in the end I settled for the 570GTX. I have found a bunch of benchmarks which gave me a fair idea on how it performs. What I am looking for is the personal opinion of others who have a 570GTX on games like Civilization 5, Skyrim, Mass Effect 3 and Witcher 2. Do you run with max settings on 1080p with everything maxed out? Or what do you turn off on each? And what is the FPS like?
I haven't ran FRAPS, but in Civ5 with settings maxed and a lot of units on the screen you notice the slow down.
The only games I've played that you mentions is Skyrim and The Witcher 2. I played both on maxed out settings at 1080. I do not know what my FPS was but what I do know is that it was silky smooth the entire time.
The only game I know how many frames per second I get is BF3 which I play regularly. I have all of the settings on Ultra except the Shadows which are set to high. My FPS is around 35-40 most of the time and game play is very smooth.
The GTX 570m will play any game you want to play on at least high settings. -
Thanks for your thoughts. I'm looking forward on getting the laptop. =c]
Was your GPU at stock settings with those BF3 FPS, jrwingate? -
Same, playing battlefield 3 on ultra with shadows to high @1080p, avg fps in range 35-40. Using stock clocks.
Skyrim on ultra runs smoothly - fps is in range 35-45 on stock.
SWTOR has a very good fps on very high about 50-60 fps, with dramatic drops to 20-25, however, I think this is due to the game itself. Many people say that with new patch SWTOR perfomance has dramatic increase .... -
Looks nice. Ken shipped my notebook today, he ran furmark stability on it and also 3dmark vantage.
Any thoughts? Are temps and scores good? It looks cool and powerful.
Discussion in 'MSI' started by mtrein, Mar 27, 2012.