hey guy's im looking for a new notebook but noticed a few things witch give me doubts about how msi make their notebooks so have a few question,
1. why is there only a 15" 3k edition and not a 17" 3k edition,
2. why does a 17" gaming notebook don't have 2 mini display ports but vga, display port, hdmi instead ?
is 3k not that great or what ?
3. and about heat, can the 15" 3k ver realy keep it under control if i ever use 3 external screens for example 4x2k res +notebook screen considder the heatsink being smaller then the 17" or is it the same size as the 17" ?
4. why does the 17" have display port, vga, dvi instead 2 mini display ports and a hdmi like the 15" once
just wan't to be sure i don't buy a product that im getting sorry for ever purcasing sine i have one that i might buy from msi
I think 17" 3k screens are not yet too common.
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
17.3 inch ips displays do not exist yet. They are coming
2) MSI GT72 has dual mini display ports and HDMI, no more vga!
3) 15incher of the same series (GT, GX, GS etc) can definitely keep up with their bigger brothers. I used both GT70 and GT60 and both are almost equal in performance and cooling. Both have the same heatsink, just less space. You can game on 3 screens only on the 3K version, and probably on GT72, but not on GT60. This is because in current GT60/70, VGA port is routed via the intel GPU and not nvidia so it doesnt work in surround. Gaming in 3 1920x1080 screens is LESS taxing than a single 4k screen.... in terms of resolution. I know right?
4) Because laptops had that old VGA port for legacy reasons. Since it is no longer used, many laptop manufacturers are phasing it out, including MSI GT72 version. -
good to know cuz im buying an clevo/ msi / bto version , but i was afraid of the heatsink since ithe notebook is smaller so i thought that the heatsink is smaller to,
BTO X-BOOK 15M61 - 15 inch laptop met 3K of 4K - WQHD+ scherm en NVIDIA GTX870 / GTX880
or should i wait for 17" ver?
this is the only ver they have and it has vga ...
BTO X-BOOK 17M61 - 17 inch performance en gamer laptop met NVIDIA GTX870 / GTX880
both customized msi by clevo sold by bto -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
Well I'm sure msi would consider it when the panels are made.
The gt series all share the same heatsink design except for the thermal bridge in the latest models (shared across both 15 and 17 inch). Only the gt72 is different. -
well i assume the msi clevo one i want is the latest model bcuz out of the specs,
atleast i dont have to worry about heatsink in the 15" ow its only the keyboard witch is more compressed then a 17" one, for example home and pagee down key under 1 button witch makes it kind of harder to copy stuff faster with ctrl++home > ctrl++fn+home that will be the only downside now if i get 15" ver,
btw how does 3k looks on a 15" ? i bet everything is uber small right ?
also what kind of tab mouse does the msi have? can it act the same as the dell xps l702 ? for example tabzones, scrolling (not 2 finger scroll) -
The keyboard is basically the same between MSI GT70 and GT60. GT70 is only a bigger plastic case. I think you should really consider GT72 since it improves everthing.
3K can look very small but it comes with a modified DPI settings. You can customize to your liking.
I dunno much about the tab zones for the MSI touchpad. But I think it does have many configurations. -
but its a new notebook and probaly more pricy , not even alternate sell it yet
I would wait for a barebones version of GT72 which should come out in a couple more months. Maybe just in time for new maxwell gpusbut who knows.
Double post, sorry.
BTO X-BOOK 17CL57 - de ultieme gaming laptop met AMD M290 videokaart
BTO X-BOOK 15CL57 - de ultieme gaming laptop met AMD M290 videokaart
BTO X-BOOK 17CL56 - 17 inch performance en game laptop met NVIDIA GTX870 / GTX880
1. design is to square
2. dunno who the main makers are
3. amd versions ....
4. keyboard what features
the msi once i figred out by specs like dynaudio,keyboard and fansystem so i knew it was a msi
seems te gtx one looks like this inside
Well, there is a $hitload of those Clevo clones around the World. I'd suggest Eurocom, they have the widest range of configurations I know. Want 4-5x 1TB SSDs + 880M SLI, Core i7 4940 MX Extreme? Go on...
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The fans and heatsinks are smaller though so the temps are not all that different.
but generaly how is msi ? are they good or do they throttle lots? or bottleneck w/e
also bto is locaed in my country so sending is cheap but if i have to import them from other country im gonna lose an aditional 200 euro probaly,
also bto have good points
1. no waranty seal void
2. you can change freely ssd 2.5 to msata just have to mail them for that option, witch i id since i had 2 ssd 2.5 already , they said no problem we change it to msata for you , the option isn't in the menu so i think by askin them you can get even more options than there is listed
3. raid options are free unlike eurocom and if you wan't they even make raid bios anvailable if you ask them
4. you can open the notebooks to change thermal compound w/o losing waranty
5. parts are upgradable like gpu/cpu/memory/screen
6. 2 year of waranty instead 1 year
7. pixel waranty , no iso norm 1 dead or light pixel is change screen unlike 5 or cluster iso norms
BTO = support Beter Than Others
so in my option bto is beter
and waranty stays intact by bto witch is pretty rare since 90% of the shops/manaufeurs seals of the notebook that you don't even may change memory, -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
BTO resellers are permitted by MSI to make changes in the US/Canada as far as modification goes.
Here are comparison with MSI branded systems.
1. no waranty seal void
Same, temper sticker is not enforced.
2. you can change freely ssd 2.5 to msata just have to mail them for that option, witch i id since i had 2 ssd 2.5 already , they said no problem we change it to msata for you , the option isn't in the menu so i think by askin them you can get even more options than there is listed
Same if you choose the right model from the beginning of purchase.
3. raid options are free unlike eurocom and if you wan't they even make raid bios anvailable if you ask them
Same as #2.
4. you can open the notebooks to change thermal compound w/o losing waranty
Same, as long as you don't damage internal circuitry.
5. parts are upgradable like gpu/cpu/memory/screen
Same as #4.
6. 2 year of waranty instead 1 year
Same warranty from MSI, free accidental warranty for the 1st if registered within 30 days of purchase (US/Canada).
7. pixel waranty , no iso norm 1 dead or light pixel is change screen unlike 5 or cluster iso norms
None from MSI, however this option is provided by most of resellers with additional charge.
ASUS premium products came with it free of charge.
MSI-branded machines do look better, with premium multi-color keyboard, etc.
So based on these facts, MSI-branded is more attractive than BTO versions. -
well i dont rly care if its an msi or not
i mean the notebook is msi's just with a few customs also the design stays the same just no red palm rest and glowing speakers and iluminations exc...
but i think performance is the same as original msi , bto just is customized witch is nice and most likely bto use cheaper resellers for modules , ssd / hdd exc..witch make bto cheaper then original msi but i think there is not man change rly also what i don't know is if msi have upgradable gpu module witch bto have
if i have to buy this notebook i want i pay like 2100 euro and some modules i don't even want / need like dvd / bd rom i rather want a caddy, memory modules i rather by the once i want and not the once they put in -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The barebone machines have always offered a slightly higher price to performance ratio.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
So if you do not want the optical drive, then you can get HDD or SSD with a caddy and forget about your optical drive.
Moreover, this gives customers more choices regardless the type of notebook that they wish to use (brand name or barebone). -
well do clevo mod / customize it that much ? the internals i mean , and yeah i dont need a optical drive rly i never use it but if i have to purcase an tray with te msi then its kind of a waste of money since the optical drive is rotting away and the caddy is extra pay, i don't know if cloveo's are bad or good, ppl keep saying dell suck to yet i have mines 3 years now and its running fine still except weak screens they have
and i don't know any customization notebook resellers than bto and dell in the netherlands, i didn't know bto untill i saw notebooks by alternate caring bto logo instead alternate logo
also i wonder about the siplay port thing, why dont they use mini hdmi instea o.o then displayport,vga -
thiss new msi is way to expansive, i think i go get the older ver with latest gfx instead, even then im still cheaper
2500 euro , i dont go pay that for hardware i dont even want with it -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
There are cheaper models available, but you have to try not to look at the "everything's best" in every category.
yeah there are cheaper, but problem is, hdd's , ,bd/dvd rom , os i don't care about i rather use my old win7 x64 ult , but there is no shop that sell them w/o those these thing will save maby 300-400 euro ?, but i want the ver 880 gtx ALTERNATE - dé online computer en elektronica specialist! , ald option ebay but if i buy from ebay you never know what they did with it, everyone can seal the box
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
MSI ships it with an OS, so it's not surprising.
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
Win8 literally cost $5 per copy so it's not going to make much difference in terms of cost saving.
3k Screen Edition
Discussion in 'MSI' started by WesleyNL, Aug 18, 2014.