Don't know if anyone is aware of this, but it was posted in another forum that MSI is soon to be releasing 17" notebooks. Can currently only find info on them on the German site, so here are translated urls.
MSI L715 = AMD Turion and 256MB X700
MSI L725 = Intel Centrino and 256MB go6600
I would also like to point out that from looking at the supplied pics it appears to have a full keyboard and numbpad.
yup it's coming out to the states, just wait a lil bit. From what Unleaded said in NBF, it'll be here soon. Keep in mind, Germany tends to get stuff first.
ah woops, i misread your first post
No problem, I didn't specify which forum (for obvious reasons).
Unfortunately there is no official ETA on the MS-1035 and MS-1036 as of my latest correspondence with MSI.
Ok, so hit up the MSI US site today and found this link to the NEW MS-1035. Just thought someone would like to check the specs and whatnot.
Guess I should include the link: -
wow from those specs, it's actually LIGHTER and THINNER than the Asus W2V!!! :O
That is what I thought too.
. But I am also an AMD fanboy so it is a real tossup for me. I will just have to patiently wait for unleaded's reviews and go from there.
ooh don't forget the numpad too! something missing on many 17" models!
some pics from a Taiwan computer show. Definitely one thin laptop! furthermore, what I like most so far, is that the keyboard is not too deep in.
looks like the Intel version has a built in webcam.
Xmeld has put up the 1036 on thier site as coming soon with a barebones price of $1169. Hope this means it's coming out soon.
I believe the weight listed on MSI's site for the 1035 is suspect as prior information that was provided to me by MSI suggested a weight of about 8.8lbs for the 1035 and 1036.
Under 7lbs and 8.8lbs is a big difference. Will MSI get into trouble?
To be honest 8.8lbs. isn't really that bad. Especially when you consider I am planning on getting a wheeled laptop case anyway (2 back surgeries really limits carrying style). I thought the sub 7lbs. was a little suspect also, but I am really interested in these lappys. Now I just have to decide which one to get. Love AMD, but love nVidia too. I suspect I will go the Intel and nVidia route as you can generally get a better overclock out of nVidia card, but I will have to wait and see what unleaded has to say about them.
Ok, here is something I noticed on the website relating to the 1035. It is showing that it is using plain DDR333/400, which if I am not mistaken will not work on the Intel 915PM mainboard. I believe it to be a typo, and should be DDR2. If unleaded can confirm or deny this it would be appreciated.
The correct weight on the MS-1035 should be 8.12lbs (the MS-1036 is listed as 8.8lbs)
Specs I have state "DDR2 SODIMM x 2 slots" -
ah 8.1.. put's it squarely in between the w2v and tne z83 in weight!
Any new developments about the 17"?
17" MSI model#'s L715 & L725
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Pharoke, Dec 1, 2005.