Hi buddyes!
I have one 16f2 and one gt683r and the 16f2 cant power on. I tried changing the gpu, cpu and ram modules and I have not seen any positive change.
It's the motherboard faulty?
Try to connect via d-sub connector. Maybe your lvds/lcd panel is damaged. No harm to check.
The same result
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Does the screen backlight come on? Since you did work on it, the board may have been accidentally damaged. That, or you have not installed the components correctly.
Hmmm then try to clear cmos. The best way to see what part is damaged is to buy "debuger" post code reader. You put cable in the white connector and on lcd display you can read post code. D5,D6 means memory , A9,A8 VGA card and others codes.
First try to clr CMOS, if it won`t help next step remove all hardware like ODD,HDD, WIFI, unplug WEBCAM module, Just leave only cpu,vga, 1 ddr module and try now. -
Cmos clear.....nothing happens. The screen backlight comes on but no image onn screen and the fans powers up to max. Next step its try removing all the parts except the basic. How to do debugger?!
Thanks for reply -
You aren`t able to read posts because you don`t have "debuger". Did you lock the cpu in socket
Of course:thumbsup:!! Now i am removing all the no-basic parts....
Prostar Computer Company Representative
Well, i put the ram of gt683 ( corsair vengance 8gb 1600 in perfect condition) on socket 1 of under the keyboard. I have set the Cpu, vga, heatsinks and fan. Nothing else, all the connectors off, screnn removed, conecter to lcd via d-sub and......nothing...
There are a fuse to check? I tried to check reflashing the bios file with AIMBOOT.ROM for 16f2 and no beeps, no response. ...........I fried my head!!LOL
Thanks for helping guys! -
Have you flashed EC before the fault? It seems to me the EC is causing the problem?
Not, the laptop power off normaly. I not posible flashing ec becuse does not power on, only fan and leds........
test if your is cpu working on another laptop, if it does it means u have to send in your motherboard for repair under warranty(hope you still have it and yes after all your tests it leave you no other possibilities to my understanding), if it doesn't then go grab one off ebay or get warranty replacement if applicable, buying a motherboard(out of warranty) is so expensive that I would suggest you get a new barebones instead
Prostar Computer Company Representative
I have the feeling the system board is borked. If you can't figure out what's wrong with it, an absolute last resort would be to try a reflow. Reflows don't always work though, so it's at your own discretion.
got a search throughout the web, theres is actually no clear symptoms that can distinguish between a CPU failure and Motherboard failure when its gone down to these 2 components causing POST failure you will need a spare system to test them on....
hacktrix2006 Hold My Vodka, I going to kill my GPU
Try with the Graphics card out and see if it will boot without the GPU in. If it does then its the GPU thats the issue.
Thats what was up with mine. My GTX560M Failed and the laptop wouldn't even power on. Also chek the PSU if you have the 150wat model it will have a LED which will flash if there is a short. -
I tried with/without gpu/cpu/ram and nothing happens. I put functionaly gpu/cpu/ram and nothing. I waiting the change on PSU and cant change. Any shcematic of 16f2 for comprovation of capacitors/fuses? I think the only way for my it's buy a new motherboard (16f3??!?!?). Reballing/reflow/rework not a good idea becuse a little number of chips are soldered with balls.
Thanks mans!! Really thanks for your time and help! -
It's a good idea buy a 16f3 motherboard? The only diference it's 2 bay HDD and touchpad and upper case, it's correctly? I really like keplers and haswell and the 16f2 it's not compatible.......
Sensor board and sensor board tape are also different.
16f2 trouble. Only power on leds and fan
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Bebotrip, Apr 9, 2013.