Before I get a hold of Power Notebooks about this issue, I wasn't sure if there was a simple driver problem I could fix. I'm not sure what happened with it, but for some reason my touch pad left click button & single/double tap function on the touch pad aren't working. The right click button works just fine (along with swapping the mouse left/right click settings to select with the right button). Just need some guidance to see if this is a software issue before I start to be concerned about the hardware. Thanks in advance.
Have you tried seeing if the button works when boot from a Windows Vista/7 DVD?
If it doesn't work there, it's a hardware issue. -
It is a Synaptics touch pad. I've tried rolling back driver, uninstalling driver, installing from Synaptics and from my PowerNotebooks drivers and still no dice. Going to try the Win7 DVD trick later.
It's definitely a driver error, I was able to get my touch pad to function normally under a random series of driver installs/uninstalls/restarts, but it is now again non-functioning and I can't figure out what went wrong.
Could someone throw some drivers (link) at me so I can just straight uninstall my current Synaptics drivers, restart, and install fresh? -
After even *more* google searching, it seems many many people have this problem and the closest solution is "disable clicking on the touchpad" (which works for me, however since this notebook is only a couple months old, that's not going to be good enough of a solution for me). To help clarify things, this guy has the EXACT same problem as me (pointed out to me that the left button on the task bar for the touch pad is always lit up green...) - Synaptics touchpad left-click problem - HP Support Forum
Uninstalled drivers > restarted > installed synaptics drivers from powernotebooks disc > restarted > still no good
Try some kind of driver cleaning software and registry cleaner to maybe remove old settings. Perhaps there is a setting you are turning on/off once you get it working, that causes it to stop functioning?
I tried using a registry cleaner to clear out old drivers and nothing could detect any remnants of Synaptics drivers. With some more Google searching it sounds like it is a defective touchpad ( I'll get a hold of Power Notebooks tomorrow or Tuesday and see about getting it fixed. Hopefully it is a simple fix I don't have to send my notebook back in order to get repaired >_<
Did you try reinstalling windows?
Might be worth a shot before sending it in.
16F2/PowerPro 11:36 touch pad mouse left click non-functional
Discussion in 'MSI' started by dsottum, Feb 7, 2012.