I know the 1651 is upgradable, Would a 9800m GTX fit in one of these, Can someone give me a list of GPU's that would work in the 1651.
as of right now its pretty unknown, a couple of people are experimenting but it seems so far that there is no direct replacement. Due to the heat sink orientation.
As for know, and what is for sure, you can replace it with Geforce 9800M GS form GT627. Also you need to take it's heatsink. If you can find to order it from somewhere ofcource. Also if you find that place, please post it here or P.M. me
I also what to change it. I will figuire it out how to put it into mine - MS1722 ID2.
1651 GPU question?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by dave74x, Apr 7, 2009.