stinks they pulled all options but i have to say for sure it works better than 1.0s did. better battery life for me i have not clocked it but it def seems better and no more on battery issues with the gpu that i can see. the card still downclocks but doesnt just literally slow down so much on battery its almost useless.
no more funny thing i used to see some stuttering in windows here and there but that is gone now also. i miss the options but it does work pretty nice for those interested.
what options are taken out?
everything except stuff needed to run the laptop its like a dell now. turbo does still work though
...for the 725s you have to push CTRl-INS IIRC otherwise the overclock and other option do NOT show up, so maybe MSI did the same thing on the 620 BIOS?
Soo what exactly could you do before? Sorry to ask but I haven't handled one before so I'm just curious.
This bios does fix the issue of switching to 16 bit color when on battery using certain nvidia drivers. Overclock still works but i dont know how to choose 20 percent (defaulted to 15%). Anyone know how to access this or a gt627's hidden bios features, or change the oc percentage outside the bios?
1.0u actually working very nice on 620
Discussion in 'MSI' started by zfactor, Mar 26, 2009.