What reviews? I don't know anyone that has one yet to date...
Anyone else feeling that OGM feeling?
...and let's not forget their crappy 1651/GX620 which whoops would flake out on keyboard/trackpad/hw keys/power key failure, requiring removal of AC AND battery to shut down.
(NOTE: apparently fixed by embedded controller firmware update as I originally informed MSI of, and apparently another reseller did as well. I am NOT a reseller, just an end user.)
Be nice if MSI actually had release notes for their BIOS and other updates... (Pay attention OGM!)
Note I provide no warranty, guarantee, etc. that current BIOSD + EC fw will correct the problem, but the thread on the MSI user-to-user forum last I checked seemed to indicate that it did so...
$1299 is a STEAL! But I'm still holding out to see something from an actual owner plus owners of the GT725...
[/EDIT] -
I placed a pre-order for the GT627-218US from Amazon, just in case they pull it or raise their prices.
Amazon tends to get new electronics in later than many of the smaller distributors. I'm hoping that this is the case here so I have time to read reviews and make a decision to cancel or not. My main concern with this laptop is the heat from a 9800GS in a 15" laptop. I have a 17" Gateway P6680-FX now, and that T9300 CPU and 8800GTS can generate some serious heat.
$1299 seems like a great price - I almost placed an order for a Sager NP8660 last week for around $1650, but decided to wait and learned about the MSI GT627. -
On another topic, I know it says the max memory for the system is 4 GB, but I wonder if it would work if you used 2x4 GB sticks *shrug*. 4 GB is good enough for now, but I foresee it becoming a limitation down the line, especially for heavy multi-tasking. Does anyone know if this has been tried in the GX620? -
The mb in the 627 was supposed to have been revised from what was in the 620/1651 so the memory support will need to be tested again, although it should still support more RAM unless they were cheap or made an unintentional mistake.
On a side note, over in the ASUS forum, 9800M GS overclocking thread a guy clocked his 9800M GS to GTS speeds and got 9703 on 3DMark06, said temps were never over 87C...
[/EDIT] -
Re the 32/64 bit issue, it's not just turbo mode, it's also all the eco settings. (Those eco settings are simply preset power settings, no?) But basically, the reluctance of some vendors to even install 64 bit on the GT627 is that advertised chassis features like turbo and eco won't work.
Rob at RKC will put on 64 if you want it. I opted to go with 32 so I could test all the advertised features out of the box. Awesome to hear that this rig might be able to take more than 4 gigs. (Btw, I thought I'd read that you can access the full 4 gigs in 32 bit with some system edits.)
Re reviews, I'm trying to find it again, but I read a preview (real "I'm holding it in my hands", not on specs) of a test unit where they spent some time on battery, which is the last bit of data that made me Add to Cart. Look and feel review was also quite good, and screen is said to be gorgeous. That test unit had a 512 mb gpu, while this comes with 1 gig, though I don't know if that matters on this gpu. I'll go through my browser history and try to find it.
Oh btw does anyone know the easiest way to connect spdif to toslink? I want to use this with my old X4 headphones. Can that be adapter'd, or am I gonna have to pick up an Xfi? -
9 Cell pics.
More here: http://www.rkcomputer.net/rkcnotebooks/index.php?l=product_detail&p=133 -
That said, is there a way to get those power settings to work in Vista 64-bit? Doesn't SCM take care of all of this? If so, there is a 64-bit version of SCM available here: http://www.downloadsource.net/16563/MSI-System-Control-Manager-SCM-Windows-Vista-x32-x64/. Thank you for the heads-up about SCM working in vista 64-bit, TRF-Inferno! -
[email protected] Company Representative
Look at the date on that SCM, it is from 2007. MSI currently has no SCM for vista x64 -
Yes, Amazon will let me cancel the order at anytime. They even let me make a change to the order today (changed the shipping to my work address).
I just noticed this: http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=10009939
With $20 overnight shipping I could theoretically have one by Friday, assuming the "in-stock" status is true.
That is really funny that the color is "Metal Hair Brush". -
I decided to try to order from Zipzoomfly, but the sticker-shock of going to $1450 after shipping + $100 of California state sales-tax made me reconsider. I'll just wait until Amazon gets them in-stock
I'll continue to lug around my Gateway P6860FX fingerprint magnet/boat-anchor for a few more days. -
Oh well, still well satisfied with the pick on specs and I guess all my questions will be answered tomorrow.
Btw what is the code to embed images in message body? Only cam I have is a cheapo so probably other users should post the pix though. -
Looks like newegg has the MSI GT627-216US in stock now http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834152095
I received mine today, the kb makes this unusable imho. Just be warned before buying on specs alone like I did.
Very disappointed. -
Suffice it to say, when you press the H key, you can see numbers 1 ~ = bend down like a bow being drawn and then springing back up with a *thunk* sound.
It's simply brutal, like something you'd see in the level of hell reserved for secretaries.
Let me add this. The touchpad is fairly large. (see one of my pix above) I'm having a hard time typing without an inadvertent brush of the thumb moving the cursor behind where I think I am. I can go 45-50 wpm on my old Dell with no mistakes, I'm struggling to hit type so much as a single sentence without errors all over the place on the 627.
There is no scroll function on the touchpad either. And the buttons are a bit awkward to use, at least I find it so. On my Dell, the buttons flare outward and are wider than the touchpad, so I can just swivel my wrist a tad and hit the button. On the 627, the buttons are flush with the touchpad, so you have to twist your thumb in more. But this seems the standard placement, so others probably won't mind it.
Another note. To fit the numpad, several buttons were shrunk down or moved around. Here are the problem areas:
On the left side of kb, the tab, caps lock, and shift are smaller than normal. This makes the QAZ keys closer the edge than you're used to. It's a nightmare for a touch typist, the S is where I think the A is.
There are 2 each of End and Home keys, but all four of them require a shift key of some sort, there is no Home or End you can just tap. .
On the right edge of the key area, the shift is half sized, so you will hit up arrow as often as not when you want to capitalize. -
On the bright side, you could use your keyboard to launch projectiles
Sorry to hear about the keyboard.
The Keyboard flex is nothing new though. The GX620 had keyboard flex and since the GT627 uses the same chassis, I'd assume it also has that flex. Just type in "MSI keyboard flex" on youtube to see a few videos. It's annoying and bothersome for some people, but others have gotten used to it apparently.
Just ran 3dmark06 but something's weird. Report says "generic vga" using system ram as gpu. The card is a 9800m-GS.
CPU speed is reported as 2777 MHz in turbo mode. Cpu is P8600.
Score is 8595 3dmarks.
Got to figure out what's going on here. -
Failing that I think it's likely that they're still using synaptic trackpads, so you can download their latest drivers and install them for even more functionality(and to turn off annoyances).
(I installed them under XP + 1651get rid of the highly irritating tap select functionality. Didn't like scrolling at first, but got used to it before I got around to turning it off.) -
were are the settings for the touch pad? Cant seem to find them?
How do I know what kind of touchpad I have, dont think it shows up in device manager right?
edit: im not on my laptop right now :/ -
As for the touchpad, I'm pretty sure synaptic touchpads have an option to "ignore accidental input." Where by, the touchpad must be touched in the center after having pressed a key. If you don't see it in the options you can just download a new driver. I believe version 11.x is floating around somewhere. -
I should be clear about something.
1. The screen looks great.
2. Rig runs SUPER quiet.
3. Other than a few questionable accents I dislike, the whole thing feels sturdy, it feels lighter than spec'd, and looks clean.
4. Performance, from what I have seen, is great; shut down and boot are superfast, 3dmark06 of 8595 with Nov 08 drivers is in line with what you expect from the specs.
My problem is the keyboard (and related arrangement), and the problem is I hate this style of keyboard, not that the kb is defective. Comparing it to my Dell, the Dell kb rests on a rigid plane; this kb rests on a rubber mat. I guess the theory here is less impact while you type? Hopefully I'll get used to it. But that is what has me on a rant about this rig, and NOTHING else.
Re the touchpad, I was trying to scroll all around the edges and nothing was happening. I didn't fiddle with any controls though.
Finally: I mentioned a busted key on this or another thread here. (Maybe I'll cut and paste this.) I broke that key on my own lol, I looked back at the pix I took when I got it, it was perfect when it arrived. IDIOT.
Anyway I don't want my own disappointment with this rig (kb is a rather big deal, I would have traded performance for better kb. I mean I do have to type more than I game...) to discourage others. -
It is unfortunate that for such a nice machine they skimp on the keyboard. I was in BB and was typing on one of the HP DV5T laptops, and I was amazed. Unfortunately the DV5T was retired, and there isn't a 15.4" laptop offered by HP that has a good video card (9600m GT or up) in it. -
Actually when I had the 1651, I did have some trouble with the spacebar as though it was sticking on something or a plastic shaving had been lodged in there, but it eventually broke in, or the plastic came out one of the times that I had to remove battery + AC to turn it of... :/
Beyond that, I have to agree that the MSI kbs seems to have too much flex and MSI needs to work out something about adding more support for the kb. I think that it's worse because they have a larger kb with num pad. Might have helped on the larger nbs (17") if they had split the kb into 2 pieces to get a little extra support in there... i.e. separate the num pad and alpha-numeric portion.
Double sided tape "fix" sounds like a warranty invalidation scheme... BTW did they have a warranty invalid sticker over the main panel(RAM + CPU + GPU) and hdd panel cover? It looked like there was one on the GT725 that faisalhero got. It went a little onto both panels.
Touchpad setting: None of the MSI sw seems to install anything with settings, which is why I went and d/led the synaptics driver for the 1651 when I had so I could turn off annoyances like tap select, tap drag, and other things... (They're annoying because I have a tendency to accidentally trigger the function, not notice, and then have to go correct. It's worse if I'm typing text and move the curson accidentally, browsing web/files is OK as it just moves the display area, but still annoying.) -
I wonder, can you get a non MSI kb and pop it in? I could live without the special function keys. But I'll try to get used to it first of course.
Titan Quest plays gorgeously on 627. (Most demanding game I have lol.) Gonna hook up my 21" Superscan elite and 24" 1080p westy lcd later on and play around with display quality controls over the hdmi and dsubs, as well as 1080p gaming perf on TQ at least. (It's not a complete wimp, most notebooks can't run it very well at all.) -
Double sided tapes are a fairly common practice. I think even RKComputer recommended it if the keyboard flex bothers you.
Here's an example with an Eee PC.
I've seen thermal tape used as support underneath laptop keyboards that come like that from factory. Why not just add a little more where needed? -
Cuib, how is the battery life when web browsing? Also, do you have the 6 or 9 cell version?
MSI US specs 9cell battery for that model, AND I believe that cuib mentioned it elsewhere as well.
Be interested in battery runtime myself though, for light applications like WiFi + fairly low backlight setting, web surfing, rand document editing, etc.
(Was getting around 2h 30-45m on the MS-1651 when I had it, P8600 6cell battery.) -
both versions are now available on newegg. good news for some who don't want to pay tax on the laptop.
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...A=0&Order=BESTMATCH&Description=gt627&x=0&y=0 -
darn you beat me to that post
I want to pull the trigger on buying this badboy but the OS is really annoying me!!!!! Vista 32 bit or shell out the extra $$$ for the 64 bit?? Turbo and Eco features arent recognized with the 64bit vista? This is really annoying me. Anywho, Wouldn't you rather have all your memory recognized rather than the turbo feature? Correct me if I'm wrong, the performance would be somehwhat equal to (give or take) if the 4gb is recognized than with a 32bit vista os with just 3gb of ram with turbo on? Also factoring the turbo probably would consume more power?
Also, How is the cooling on this lappy? Do they use Arctic Silver or the like or just the regular thermal goop?
Argh, can someone please offer some insight!! lol
thx. -
Does anyone know if there are XP drivers for this? Can I use 1651 drivers?
You know if $1299 and $1099 are the new retail prices, like Amazon and newegg have them listed at, why does the MSI US site still have them at $1399 and $1249?
...and why does Amazon STILL not have them????
...you know I really don't like newegg's stealth products, but I guess it keeps people checking the site frequently... (By stealth I mean they don't list anything until they have stock and it magically appears in the product listing w/no prior indication as to whether or not they'd carry it. In the case of MSI I was beginning to worry that newegg was dropping them as they were down to only one or two models not long ago... those GX630s seem to bve hard to move...)
Now I've gotta decide, wait for the GT725-074US or go for the GT627-218US... grrr... immediate gratification(sort of) or wait... hmmm...
since it's the same chipset, and basically the same mb as the 1651/GX620 you SHOULD be able to use the 620 XP drivers, however they could have made enough changes to require a modification of the chipset drivers... just have experiment... (also they could've changed other components like the wireless card, etc. anyways IIRC they had 2 listed for those on the site anyways, and the Intel one was a dead link... plus they also didn't have the synaptic drivers on their site...)
someone else mentioned somewhere that apparently you can order a 64b install disk from M$ for c. $10. I haven't verified this yet, but it seems likely as IIRC the OEM version is SUPPOSED to give you the option to install 32b or 64b then the key is tied to that arch.
I need to go look into this, as I too find the 32b Vista to be idiotic when shipping a 3GB or greater machine, esp given how many resources Vista sucks down for no apparent reason. (esp. given that 7 went on a pretty decent diet in little time) -
... Which company you say will offer a 64b for $10??? Anywho, it's the only thing holding me back from purchasing this system. I'm also wondering if they use a quality thermal paste -vs- the regular goop... not a big issue as I can just apply the good stuff myself but just wondering if I can save the hassle. Also, if anyone can confirm... will the turbo and eco features work on a 64b vista?
well if Windows 7 is coming sooner rather than later, the issue becomes moot no? (unless Microsoft doesn't fix the issue)...
that aside, is there any way in heck someone can actually touch and feel this laptop before buying it? I need to see how the red trim looks on a desk, how the right shift key functions, and how bad the keyboard flex is... newegg won't let you return/refund except for a replacement and only if the original was defective.
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Discussion in 'MSI' started by faisalhero, Jan 29, 2009.