Has anyone here had any luck using MSI Afterburner to undervolt their 660m? I have mine running along at 82C in furmark after applying some ICD7, but I am trying to push it below 80C if possible.
SoundOf1HandClapping Was once a Forge
As far as I know, it would require a vBIOS flash to undervolt it.
By the way thanks Forge for your GE60 optimization thread, theres some good info there. -
Using vBIOS flash can be undervolted only 3D voltage which GPU uses under stress/load.
What are your current voltages? use GPU-z to find out 2 values. -
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
The bios has no software control so all changes must be made by flashing.
So even though Afterburner has a voltage slider, it wont work for my gpu? -
If this slider is moving then you should try it out.
P.S. Could you also tell me if voltage increases if you with gpu-z also turn on video playback or load gpu somehow else? or it is already highest value. TNX -
Ok it looks like the gpu voltage idles at 0.912v and hits 1.1v under load. Looks like the voltage slider in MSI Afterburner is disabled no matter what for my 660 so I can see what Forge has been saying now about a BIOS flash.
Speaking of, whats the status on that BIOS you were using Forge? Any progress been made on it?
(GE60) Undervolting 660m with MSI afterburner?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by Snypr18, Nov 25, 2012.