For about a week I've had trouble charging my laptop battery. The DC Jack feels a little loose and requires that I wiggle the cable for the battery to charge. MSI told me that this problem isn't covered in my warranty.
I'm assuming it will be expensive to have MSI fix it. I'm considering trying myself, but would prefer to find another option. Is there a device that charges a laptop battery while also providing power to the laptop? Maybe something like a deck or station that attaches to the bottom?
niffcreature ex computer dyke
No, there aren't any devices like that. There are only battery chargers that let you charge the battery when its removed from the laptop.
I think MSI should fix it for you. Just don't mention that the jack is loose because that sounds like you damaged it yourself.
I would love to trade MSIs with you and fix the power jack myself.I have a good condition gx640 that I hardly ever use, the specs are probably pretty much the same.
niffcreature ex computer dyke
I'm not sure what you can say but I'm pretty sure the reason they wont repair it is because it seems like you damaged it yourself.
Yeah... I guess you've probably heard about the crappy hinges and cooling issues on the gx640. -
I guess I couldn't prove it, but I know it didn't happen because of misuse from me. I treat everything I own like it's the only one I'll ever have. I wish it was covered on the warranty. I have ~$0 right now and am afraid of doing something wrong if I was to try fixing it myself.
I've come across these guys: Laptop AC DC Power Jack Repair/Replacement - $65 Flat Rate who offer a DC jack replacement for a flat $65*.
I've never used them, and don't know anyone who has - I just happened across their site on a google search.
*Which becomes quite redundant to say after the forum software parses their URL into their Homepage Title... -
Thanks, I'll add that to my list of considerations.
[GX660 Defective DC Jack] Does a power deck/station exist?
Discussion in 'MSI' started by FatherEarth, May 9, 2012.