Thanks. I'm excited to see the screen.
The iGPU / dGPU is switched from a keyboard button, calling up SCM and prompting to reboot to switch? -
hm... I am almost leaned to this laptop, but in s.korea, this laptop's hertz is 60 and no-Gsync.... Very stressful.
So I need to buy at international site like gentech... shipping cost 170$ and import duty will be 10% of total cost (laptop+shipping)..hmscott likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
Is this more good than asus G752VS OC edition? Asus uses same cpu of i7-6820hk and GTX 1070. But asus says it is factory overclocked, is this different with MSI? even if same cpu?
hmscott likes this. -
Some good news, got in touch with my reseller and in the process of getting a replacement. Can't wait I really loved this laptop.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HDchris_101, cookies981, hmscott and 2 others like this. -
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
It seems that the Screen is really good. Great colours, 120hz, G-sync, IPS... And the temps and noise really good also. I was more into the p775, but now... Hmm....
Just placed my order at @GenTechPC . Thanks Ken. I'm so excited!
I'll be pacing the floor nightly waiting on the birth of my new child.
Prema, DukeCLR, ThePerfectStorm and 3 others like this. -
1. MSI's Super Raid 4 tech's requirement is 2 of nvme ssd, right?
2. Then how to add and configure if I later add another nvme ssd from default one nvme ssd with Window10 installed?
3. Super Raid4's performance is better than other manufacturer like ASUS G752VS's Raid 0? How much better? -
Well, great news!!! I'm so happy!hmscott likes this. -
Miguel Pereira Notebook Consultant
Just not sure what kind of ips. Ahva maybe?
But the values are great on the review, so ot doesnt really mater that much. -
Any upgrade plans?
I was thinking of getting a better SSD for the OS, getting Windows 10 pro, and re pasting GPU/CPU. The SSD world has changed a bit since my last build/upgrade, so I'm doing some catching up now, any advice would be welcome.hmscott likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
What SSD did you choose? Did you use the M.2 slot or the PCIe slot, and do the PCIe slots take 2.5 drives?
hmscott likes this. - -
Thanks for the reply Neohopper, So from the order form it has two SSD PCIe slots a M.2 slot and a slot for a 2.5 inch HDD/SSD I posted an image of the Spec sheet from MSI and the order form for the GT73VR, Is this correct?
hmscott likes this. -
-Three M.2 slots (two M.2 PCIe and one M.2 SATA)
-One 2.5 inch drive (mechanical or solid state)
Here's an article I found helpful regarding M.2: -
Cool, I think I understand it now, thanks again.
The M.2 SATA III SSD's cost less than 1/2 as much (read you get 2x+ the storage for the same $), and for the most part you won't notice the PCIE x4 speed in day to day use, only when doing copies between PCIE x4 SSD's - copying to a slower SSD runs at the speed of the slower drive.
Here are some examples of M.2 SATA III SSD prices vs M.2 PCIE prices:
Sandisk SD8SN8U-1T00-1122 X400 1TB M.2 2280 Solid State Drive - $239
OCZ RD400 M.2 1TB PCI-Express 3.0 x4 - $769
SanDisk SD8SN8U-512G-1122 X400 M.2 2280 512GB Internal SSD - $139
SAMSUNG 950 PRO M.2 512GB PCI-Express 3.0 x4 - $317, DukeCLR, Atma and 1 other person like this. -
Great information. Thanks. I may just order the stock version on pop in a SSD down the road, If I could find directions on repasting I could do that myself too. ,
hmscott likes this. -
If you are buying from GenTechPC, they will do it for free during their back to school special. -
I have serious problem. I bought 2 days ago and steelseriesEngine 3 was conflicted with s.korea's internet banking site's security program, when install it, whole window system stops, no mouse, no key worked.
So I turned off forcifully, after that, when rebooting, system always stops after few seconds like above.
So I press f3 key and did factory reseting from factory image.
But after that when in the process of setting language at window10, system stops. No key, no mouse works.
And then automatically reboot or stops there until I turned off. When reboot, system go to window10 trouble shoot interface, but nothing there I can do about this.
And this continuously repeated. (Window 10 language setting -> system stops -> trouble shoot -> reboot -> Window 10 language setting -> ..... )
I am very stressed, MSI what the ****? I didn't experienced this when I used Gigabyte or Asus or any laptops. -
I captured above problem as video. See this.
How to fresh install? If fresh install, recover area (msi input this before sell to me) also deleted?
Well, I have one in order. Main concern is the right side fan outake. I mean, I'm gaming with a mouse there. Will it be hot, or even to warm? Second concern is the ciclet keyboard. I had once a ASUS gaming laptop, and the ciclet there felt to slippery. Both Clevo and Alienware have a keyboard with more print on em.
so my problem was cpu ratio in bios setup. I set cpu ratio to 37 from 40 previously, after that window 10 setup process well processed and done. I can boot and use with no problem.
But so then, cpu ration is 37 is max? then why exist up to 42? Disappointed.hmscott likes this. -
All those options require thoughtful tuning and testing in a methodical way, you can't just set something high on it's own and expect it to work.
Each CPU is unique and responds differently to settings. One CPU might be able to set the Multiplier to 40x on all 4 cores and have it work just fine.
A 40x multiplier on another CPU might need voltage increased slightly, and yet another CPU might need the CPU voltage decreased.
And, don't forget about the CPU Cache multiplier and voltage, it might need to be dropped in voltage and or multiplier to run the CPU at 40x or higher. Or, the CPU cache might need to be increased in voltage and dropped in multiplier.
It's something you can get help here if you have a 6820HK:
There are other threads, search for thread titles 6820HK
@iunlock although using an Alienware, may be able to help tooLast edited: Sep 4, 2016 -
@wsxdr, the only thing I can add to the excellent reply from @hmscott, is that your OC not sticking could entirely be a BIOS issue, where it's not allowing it to stick. Therefore, it can be either hardware, software related or both.
As mentioned it may take a lot of trial and error of adjusting the core / cache voltages to find the sweet spot.
You can also browse through this thread to get some ideas.
Here's another great thread, proving what the 6820HK is capable of. edited: Sep 4, 2016hmscott likes this. -
Hey guys I got my GT73VR last saturday.
I OC'ed it to 4GhZ and 3.8Ghz with a 40-50mv negative offset in XTU
But my main concern now is that I dont like using software to OC.
I want to set the settings in bios to have them perma 24/7
My temps dont go above 66-67c when gaming on a cpu intensive game.
When I set the multiplier to anything it resets after the first reboot even tho the laptop is stable an di restart the correct way.
If I set in XTU and restart correctly the OC sticks but I want to do it on a hwardware level.
Also I cant set the voltage offset to a negative value in BIOS and I dont see even alot of options in the bios to change
Is the BIOS on GT73VR limited in anyway -
Could we get a screenshot of the settings? Going to be ordering mine in the next 2 days and never overclocked before so be nice to see what settings I need to do.
Do you F10 and save your changes, are there any other options for saving settings, like Profiles? If there is a Profile 0 you might need to also save the current BIOS settings there so it starts up on a Profile - just spit-balling here, since I don't have one.
There is often a 2 stage commit for these type settings, as you wouldn't want to accidentally set something way off - and not be able to reboot.
If there isn't a 2 stage commit with a startup profile, there is a 3 or 5 reboot "clear the CMOS" savor mode that gets enacted to wash away any bad settings.
If you have read the manual, been through all the pages in the BIOS - the save Profile is usually in the last most Right tab - or in the OC settings page - or sub-page, then it might be a bug.
If it's non-functional as intended then open a ticket with MSI, and clearly in your best non-flowery english, list the problem succinctly and ask for guidance on making it work as you expect it to work, and ask for a BIOS update fix.
Just as a heads up, I did hear of other GT80S owners complaining about this very thing, OC settings not sticking through reboots, but the complaints stopped - I assumed at the time it was a BIOS update that fixed it.
Please come back and let us know how it all resolvesLast edited: Sep 5, 2016birdyhands likes this. -
I'm new here. So one can't just set options in the BIOS for a 4.2GHZ all core stable overclock of the 6820HK that sticks? Modded BIOS that will?
Or, software that will do it, that will auto apply when the software is launched and re-apply on resume from hibernate? Has this been figured out yet or is everybody still trying to figure out how to get a decent overclock that is 1-click/automatic?
I don't own this laptop yet but in the MSI gaming center, can't you overclock by setting it to sport mode and then setting the slider to '42'? Guess it's not that simple.
I assume temperature and voltage regulaters are not the issue. Just crap.. When it's all figured out on the right way to do this and the right settings to use for the CPU (with ranges since not one CPU is the same), we should sticky it and be done with it!
Thanks. -
MSI GT73VR 6RE Titan Notebook Review
Florian Glaser (translated by Andreas Osthoff), 09/06/2016
MSI GT73VR Review overview. Live
DukeCLR, Techhawk54 and Atma like this. -
I really want to get the GT73 with a 1070. Actually had one on order only to cancel because of this whole G-sync confusion. It might run games fine now, but after a couple of years that G-sync would really come in handy as I tend to hold on to my laptops for some time.
I asked the Swedish vendor if their GT73 had G-sync and they had been told by MSI that none of the 10XX MSI laptops they have on offer has G-sync.
I wonder if it could be that it's just this delayed certification process that hasn't been completed or if only the US gets G-sync as there was a Portugese poster in this tread who had similar feedback from a local vendor. But Notebookcheck who I believe are German mentions G-sync in their review which only adds to the confusion.
It's such a shame because otherwise it's exactly the laptop I want, with the right graphics card, 120hz screen with a great response time and seemingly a very high quality build. -
I'm waiting to recieve mine, and I'll gladly confirm if it's with g-sync or not(Norway here) -
It's such a weird thing of MSI not to use G-sync in their marketing though as it's a great selling point. Suppose it might be that the certification wasn't ready, but there's just total confusion right now.hmscott likes this. -
Hi, first comment sorry for my english.
I got mine in France 03/09. Considering the website where I bought it, it was supposed to be without g-sync. But when I turned it on it had g-sync directly activated.
And the website where I bought it is the french leader and usually products pages are well informed, but in this case it wasn't.
Overall I got no issues with the computer, 120hz is really good when you come from 60hz I noticed the difference the first second on windows just by moving my mouse. GTA 5 runs almost everything maxed out without breaking a sweat I tried a little OC with the Turbo Mod, 3.8Ghz on 4 cores, +100Mhz GPU coreclock +200Mhz memory, on GTA5 the temperature didn't increase by 1°C, staying at 73° if I remember well, room temperature something about 25/26°C
Overwatch Everything maxed out 130 fps locked I never noticed a drop below 130 fps.DukeCLR, jflax, hmscott and 1 other person like this. -
Ya this looks like a great laptop. I wish it was a little cheaper since the processor/ram are not much different then my current machine:
msi 1762 barebones
core i7 3630QM
16gb ram
Right now I have to settle for 720p in games: Darks Souls 3, Witcher 3, Deus Ex Mankind Divided if I want a smoother experience.
I was looking to upgrade to a 1070 and this laptop has a lot going for it and is probably very similiar to mine. The performance is great and the temps are great. The only thing I'm considering is if I can wait for a laptop with an intel cannonlake/coffeelake processor/ nvidia volta so that it feels more like a full system upgrade rather than primarily a $2000 upgrade for a new graphics card. Nvidia volta might enable 4k gaming to be more easily possible with HBM2 also I would imagine it would have better async compute. I think I can wait up to a year but not longer then that since I by 2018 I probably won't be able to play anything.Last edited: Sep 6, 2016hmscott likes this. -
I had a question guys.
Is it better to leave the laptop on 24/7 or overnight or shut it down and turn it back on when I wake up ? -
So I got my replacement laptop today.
Got greeted with a new issue.
Basically after a while of gaming in an intensive game, say GTA V or Ark or basically anything that puts heavy load on the gpu. My screen freezes I get verticle lines and a faded image of the game, slowly the game fades away and it reboots.
Any thoughts on this guys?
I wanna be 100% sure I can't fix this before I send it back, this time I am asking for a refund, 1 faulty laptop I would understand but 2? No thanks.
It kind of looks like that but faded
I will try my best to take a picture when it happens. Its random, I ran 3dmark in stress mode and no issues so I can't really understand why and how its happening.
Edit: Tried a a couple of things already.
Stock drivers after DDU uninstall, same issue.
Tried increasing the fan speed, same issue.
I am on Turbo mode, I won't consider running on sport because I want the maximum performance out of my machine.
It could be related to gsync, I am doing testing without gsync now. Here are some pics of whats happening.
Edit 2:
Been gaming without gsync and it seems to be fine thus far, I am still returning it though my previous one before it died did not have the same issue with gsync on.
Yeah after a couple of hours I can confirm my problem lies with gsync. Probably the hardware related to it. My previous device didn't have this problem sadly the gpu died on that one...Last edited: Sep 7, 2016 -
Well my current alienware just died.
Does anyone place currentLtd have any deals on themsi gt73vr titan pro-003
Any help would be greatly appreciated.hmscott likes this.
The Official MSI GT73VR Owners and Discussions Lounge
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Aug 16, 2016.