Another review with no teardown... are you f.... kidding me?!
These are first impression reviews without MSI reps looking over their shoulders. The in-depth reviews always come in a little later. The flipped mobo on my GS65 has never bothered me as it doesn't take that long to remove it. Besides that, I've only had to open it once.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Hey Guys, for those interested, new MSI GT75 w/RTX 2080 unboxing video....benchmark reveal!
Last edited: Jan 29, 2019Anthony Accioly, RMXO, ixixmmx and 1 other person like this. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Ryzeki, this is for you.....Enjoy!
(The more I look at this thing, the more I like it)
ryzeki likes this. -
And the performance seems in line with my expectations so I am a bit relieved that I won't be sacrificing too much performance at all if I do go with the GS75. Now I am wondering about the opening of the laptop... to check how annoying would be to repaste myself and/or add RAM/SSDs down the road. -
Here, for consideration:
Point #3 better explained:
I am excited, leaning towards this one right now over the ge75 or alienware m17. My gs65 has been great and just happy changing the ssds will be easier on this one. I never repaste so not worried about that. Still waiting to see full reviews if the 2080 vs 2070maxq is worth the 400 premium. I already have a 2080 desktop so leaning towards the 2070 but want to see some more benchmarks. I have a couple months before my next work trip so can wait a bit more to see all the reviews but already have that new laptop excitement haha.
Anthony Accioly and hmscott like this.
hmscott likes this.
A new video has shown up, and while it doesn't show a disassembly, we can see through the bottom cover the squareshaped screw attachment frames for the CPU and GPU, which confirms, that the heatpipes are still on the other side... so the motherboard is still reversed.
Original video
hmscott likes this. -
hmscott likes this.
Lol didn’t they rant and rave that the GS75 wasn’t flipped? Rip
franzerich likes this. -
@ryzeki: Yeah, on the topside the whole area between the keyboard and display looks perforated (at minute 2:30 or so from the same video). So cooling seems to be okay, just the same bad accessibility as on the GS65. Seems to be a recent laptop illness, because the Triton 500 also has that upside down motherboard.
On a sidenote I noticed that the trackpad is not centered below the Space-key, but centered to the overall chassis. Because of that it is too much on the right and probably bad for typing. Therefore when you're typing your right hand most likely touches the trackpad.
I'm glad others have realized it too, e.g.
How are you gonna type on this without touching the trackpad with your right palm? This is ridiculous. A laptop you can't even use for writing... (at least not without it being annoying)... They've been making laptops for 2 decades or more, and then do mistakes like this? Do MSI workers even use their own laptops?! Obviously not. Oh and btw. the same issue applies on the new MSI PS63...Last edited: Jan 30, 2019 -
That is to say, that is not a concern of mine, but I can see why it can be a problem. The best idea would be to implement advanced palm rejection to ensure you are using a finger vs resting on the pad.Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
The black film is installed also on the new GS 65 on the BACK side of the motherboard. (on the 1st generation of GS 65, there wasn't any film). They simply realised that at least if they put M.2 slots on the neck of the motherboard, most of the average users will not disassemble and flip the motherboard only to add their 2nd SSD (like I did on my GS 65... 1 hr of work only to swap a SSD and put my disk in the SATA slot... no comment)... but as you can see also from the last photos, the motherboard is flipped towards the keyboard.
It's still better than on the new GS 65, where the disks are still on the keyboard side of the motherboard. At least here you haven't to open the whole pc LOL.ryzeki likes this. -
Take a look @ D2D GS75 video @ 4:38 and you can see the mobo isn't flipped or look at the file I've uploaded.
Attached Files:
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RMXO likes this.
Some posts (probably even my own) are confusing in the way the word "flipped" is used:
- some call the motherboard from the MSI GS65 "flipped"
- some call the reversing of that motherboard "flipped"
So it's "flipped" in both cases...
Arondel likes this.
Should we call it flippedgate?
I think it is a good move to give access to the SSD's, but sucks that can't get to the memory. For me, not as issue, as 16gb will be plenty. I will just add a samsung 970 evo plus 1tb and BAMB, ready to go!
I think more importantly is how the thermals perform in this laptop. 3 fans is pretty cool, and maybe with the heatsink being above, it helps dissipate heat better. Heat rises after all right?
If thermals are good (which people seem to be saying in their very short reviews of the 2080 maxq) then maybe It won't matter that it is upwards facing rather than downwards facing. -
I am after the 2060 model, as I can't justify the extra cash. If the 2080 runs in it, I imagine the 2060 will run really cool with the same hardware. Hopefully I am right and no repasting or undervolting will be required
Still a couple of weeks away before stock arrives for the 2060 in AU.praetorianx likes this. -
Dannemand, Kevin@GenTechPC and Atma like this.
Hi MSI folks, I’m also waiting GS75 and this is my first post here
I have found not very popular video on YouTube with disassembled GS75: .
At 5:10 you can see bottom side with 3 ssds and top (flipped) side is on 6:20.
Maybe it’s not GS75 (GS73 for example?), let’s find out the truth )Arondel, franzerich and Atma like this. -
Last edited: Feb 2, 2019
So there are two ways: this video is some kind of scum and uses cuts from other notebooks reviews (e.g. GS73), or this brave guys did their job very well. 99% it’s second scenario (look at hinges), but warned you about the first.Last edited: Feb 3, 2019ryzeki likes this. -
Can the 2080 max-q in these be overclocked? Can they be pushed to match the non maxq 2080 version? According to the MSI shop the 2080 model has better cooling and more power than the other versions so wondering how much it can be pushed.
ALLurGroceries and toughasnails like this.
Seeing that the adapter is 230W and that its cooling is quite good and better still on the 2080 model was hoping to see some OC and how close it can come to a stock 2080 non-maxq. For a little bit this was the laptop for me but maxq standard performance is meh.hmscott likes this. -
Do we know if this is coming with a i9-8950hk too? It was/is listed some places with up to an i9 and they some said so in CES with the 2080 model that has the upgraded cooling. The Gigabyte aero apparently coming with the i9 too.
Does anyone know what specifically is “upgraded” in regards to the cooling of the 2080 MQ vs the 2070MQ/2060 models? An extra heat pipe? Different fans? More thermal pads?
Denis Domanskii likes this.
can somebody tell me where I can buy this laptop when Im from Poland, Europe? The shops in my country dont know availability of it and price is way higher than on amazon and everywhere else..
Same problem in Russia, even local official MSI office don’t know the start date.
Shops say “late February”, so I am waiting for March.
UPD: I have read GE75 reviews and it looks like thermals will be better even with no max-q version of 2070 card.
Do we now GS75 thermals from reviews published on previous pages?Last edited: Feb 3, 2019 -
Regarding the flipped mobo, does the laptop sucks air from the bottom or the top?
I think it sucks air in from both the top and bottom vent. The fans fit in the motherboard cutouts so there isn't any obstruction of airflow.
Looking at the orientation of the fans however, it looks like it will be mainly sucking in air from the top grilles.RMXO likes this. -
I really wonder why they give us access to 3 SSD slots, and not a single RAM one.
We are still not 100% sure, I hope for the best, but I have a bad feeling! -
and trust me, there will be ways to mod that 2080 MQ to near stock. Even if it means getting a more capable power supply. I will check that eventually, there is no shortage of tweakings we can do!
I also asked Ken from GentechPC regarding the date for GS75 and it seems to be late February? there is still some time to go
toughasnails, katalin_2003 and RMXO like this. -
Atma likes this.
Now IF all this would need to get it to perform like a stock 2080 or higher is a more powerful power brick eg from the GE75 and some other mod to boost clocks in this chassis, whilst keeping it stable and thermally ok, I would buy for sure. That way I can have my 'max-q' when I want that and go full beast when I need/want full beast -
There are exceptions, it's always worth trying if noone has, but don't be disappointed if no additional performance is found, at least the PSU will run cooler with a smaller percentage maximum load than it was designed to deliver.
You might need to mod the firmware or find someone that can, to get more power through a new PSU. Remember though that the rest of the laptop power delivery system wasn't necessarily designed to deliver more power from a larger PSU.
Getting a 2nd PSU is always a good idea; what will you do when the single PSU you have that fits your cool new gaming laptop dies? It usually takes a day or two to express ship a new PSU at best, so you are out of operation without a spare PSU sitting around.
I usually like to keep a PSU at home, one at work, and one in the bag, especially for a laptop I decide to keep for a few years.
You might as well get a higher wattage 2nd PSU to have a backup / spare and a shot at seeing if a higher wattage PSU will make a performance difference. Although they usually cost a bit more...
Please let us know how that works out. -
So, with less than half of the power available, is it not impressive we don't loose that same amount of performance? The whole point of max q is efficiency. Just compare with the RTX2060. It has the same 80w reference, but the 2080max q is even stronger.
Now, keep in mind all this always comes at a cost. Every single thin and light machine costs more than a regular machine. Making things smaller, designing them on constrains always makes them more expensive. And just like how nvidia decided to charge a premium for both their desktop and laptop GPUs, dropping value down, the truth is, if you want GTX1080 level performance on a penny size thin laptop, there is no other way than the very expensive GPUs.
Now, users are never satisified, myself included, so I will eventually mod the machine out to use more and achieve more. But I just don't understand why such high expectations for a known, very power limited device.
We know the RTX series is terrible value because the price increase. The Pascal GPU gen was the first one that gave incredible performance per dollar, particularly on laptops, so its expected to be disappointed in value. But there is a performance increase. It's just that it costs waaaay more.
Also, your numbers, as with many reviewers, seem off for some reason. We will have more information in the coming months, but the 2080MQ already performs in the 19-20k firestrike GPU on stock, and the normal GPU around 25/6 and up to 28K OCd.
IF we somehow got the 2080 max q to perform like a normal 2080, on this chasis size, it would be freaking incredible and would question almost all other manufacturers on how a full 2080 works in here. But Max Q is not designed for that and you shouldn't go looking at these series for max performance. The GE series is also thin for a gaming laptop, and is up your alley if you want a full 2080. There is a product for everyone.seanwee and Kevin@GenTechPC like this. -
I just saw a thin and light 2060, 2070Max-q, 2080Max-q laptop all listed using the same 180w PSU! How bad will this bench? I can’t image a decent fire strike given its power limits. This is a clevo P96 or Origin 16-s.
Edit: fix typo of 2060 twice
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLast edited: Feb 6, 2019Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Hmmm, they might be power limited when the whole system is taxed, so it might "bench" normal but when a game pushes the CPU and GPU, it might score less as the machine limits the hardware.
Kevin@GenTechPC likes this. -
Kevin@GenTechPC Company Representative
The NEW MSI GS75, 8th GEN Intel, NVIDIA RTX GPU with GDDR6!
Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by -=$tR|k3r=-, Jan 7, 2019.