My barebone is getting better and better. Sold off my old ram (shipped out today) on ebay and bought 16GB (4 sticks) 1833 hyper-x Kingston HyperX Model KHX1866C11S3P1K2/8G Laptop Memory - Machine is running even faster now.
Prior to memory upgrade (heat / bench) -->
With MSI branded bios (don't know if it makes any difference vs. whitebook bios), and with the new Geforce 326.19 beta drivers, I'm now able to reach P7495 on 3DMark11.
Graphics: 7531
Physics: 8351
Combined: 6302
With the fans blowing at turbo, max temp was 61 degrees C.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-4700MQ, MS-1763
All stock. No overclocking what so ever. This is with stock NVIDIA GTX780M vBios. I'm too afraid to overclockI'm willing to try.
Willing to overclock. What would be a good overclock value for a reference / safe test? If you need some baseline OC comparison test, and if it's a safe benchmarking level, I'd be willing to run it with either nvidiainspector or Afterburner.
My rig: GentechPC MS-1763 4700MQ / GTX780M. (ic diamond applied by Gentech <-- Magic!) (I really think I got lucky here. Whoever pasted my rig at Gentech must've been in a very good mood)
Upgrades: ram (16GB 1866mhz ddr3 SODIMM) and Intel Wireless-AC 7260
1 internal fan bearng shaft (greased (lithium grease))
2. Anti-vibration foam mod on fan touch points
3. Heat sink vents reenforced / sealed again using addition foam
Link to mods -->
That's about it...
The score is lower than before. I think it's the drivers. I'm going to revert back to 320.49 drivers to see if it's any better.
Update: using 320.49, I'm getting a pretty big jump from previous scores. ---> Again, the temps never went above 61 degrees in celcius w/ turbo fan on. My ambient temp is: 21 degrees at the moment (79 degrees in F.)
So far, the newest beta degrades performance, at least in my 3DMark11 tests. That over 100 points difference.... As for what that means in a real-world gaming situation, I don't know.. But for the moment, I'm staying away. Sticking with 320.49 until things improve.
added ram isn't doing too much for the physics score either. I've got a slight improvement, but noting to write home about. Perhaps in memory intensive apps, it will make a difference. So far, not seeing too much improvement sover 1600mhz rams (12GB). But, I'm happy with the purchase. Will now be running with no paging file :thumbsup:
Update: Ran 3DMark11 Once more. This time score jumped higher to P7632
Graphics Score 7707
Physics Score 8418
Combined Score 6296
Also, ran PassMark PerformanceTest 8.0 for the first time. -->
Is this pretty good score without OC?
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
@ryzeki I'd highly recommend it. Mods are very easy to do.
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Oh Ok, I guess MSI_Lover didn't find it interesting that our 3DMark11 scores were precisely the same, LOL!
WhatsThePoint Notebook Virtuoso
Anyone getting the "driver stopped responding but recovered" crash with NVIDIA beta 326.19?
Check this out kiddies
I want 1000 thanks and 1000 rep power points within 24 hrs -
Just loaded vantage and got my first score...
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M video card benchmark result - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4900MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, MS-1763 -
Support.1@XOTIC PC Company Representative
Love it!!! -
The newer NVIDIA drivers work much better under windows 8.1. I believe they've taken the windows 8.1 driver branch and made it more compatible with regular windows 8, which is IMO, 'backwards' Under Windows 8.1, install went smooth, and I was able to reach the highest Pscore on 3Dmark11 (P 7659). You can see the details here -->
In a nutshell, this new driver works best, and performs best under windows 8.1 preview. Not sure what it is about Windows 8.1... Better optimization, different DirectX perhaps? (11.2 perhaps?) But so far, at least on 3DMark, Windows 8.1 is the fastest.
Windows 8.1 (stock clocks w/ fan at turbo) i-7 4700mq + gtx780M
PScore 7659
Graphics Score: 7727
Physics Score: 8479
Combined Score: 6328 -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
What would I do without you Ken?
I have only XTU and Afterburner, all stock voltages and bios, no vmods.
Running it the exact same way as 3Dmark2011:
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Ok, so you ran Vantage with XTU and AfterBurner, right? So now, what do your scores look like after upgrading Vantage and System Info to the latest versions? Have you done this yet?
working on it...
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
View attachment 99391
...... so we can see your temps & settings too?
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
I think we have overclocking in the unlocked bios figured out now at least on the non extreme edition CPUs too -
Not great at screen captures
Did not get the whole screen on my 30249 run, only the web page score before I closed everything and noticed it.
I did get one of the previous run I had at 30148.
To get 30249 I only upped the Memory speed to 483 from 475. -
-=$tR|k3r=- Notebook Virtuoso
Anyhow, thanks for the effort.... you'll get the hang of it.
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M video card benchmark result - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4900MQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, MS-1763
Meaker@Sager Company Representative
You tried pushing your 4900MQ a little further with a little base clock tuning? How are you finding the temps setting it to 4.2ghz?
Unless you want to apply a lot more vcore it will be diminishing returns with noticeably more heat.
Not seeing any temp spikes, even at 4.2.
I cranked up the min% too 100 in the power settings so it idles at 4.0-4.2 to test for temperatures.
Been messing around with Heaven DX11 Benchmarking...
Those are awesome scores! -
I hope I'm wrong on this, and if someone here knows a way to use Optimus w/ bigger / external screen, please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate it.
Thanks. -
Been comparing the scores to this review...
Eurocom X5 Notebook Scores P33098 in 3DMark Vantage with GeForce GTX 780M | -
I'm pretty sure my Asus G46 does the exact same thing, but I'd have to check. Maybe it's an optimus thing?
On the flipside battery life is great, I'm getting 4+ hours and not even fully draining while working on the go. -
Also, do you have 3D vision? Does it work with these laptops when paired with 3D panel via HDMI? -
I just run a bench for my 780m just to test her(+135-+480)stock volt:
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M video card benchmark result - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz,PowerNotebooks MS-1763
and I think I can go further up more....
my gpu score is perfect but my physics are so low....
I order 16gb kingstone hyper-x 1866mhz just to see differences.
if I don't oc the card my physics are 8450-8560
and I used the quide from brother VECTOR 7(many thanks)
Maybe its the gt70 bios and EC??
But im good -
Yes, I am using the modified vBIOS from Tech Inferno, so far it's been totally stable and reliable. It does allow both raising and lowering voltage and clocks, but I haven't tried it with 2D desktop clocks/powerstates... I have gamed some with it undervolted/underclocked as I was curious about temps/performance, and the vBIOS does enable real time slider changes both ways in NVInspector. It also allows adjustment of Power/Temperature targets in version I'd be curious myself about the results on desktop powerstate, not sure if svl7 touched that option.
And no, I don't have 3D Vision, just a cheap LG monitor I picked up on sale for office use
I struggle to see the faster memory changing this, but it'll definitely be faster. -
Ok 2 things here:
1 - Last night I watched 3 episodes of Orange is the new black (~45 min each) via hdmi and it drained the battery to about 30% so do the math. Even without optimis, the battery life when doing 2d or video is quite good! But as far as I understand this is the first notebook series where the HDMI and display port are all piped DIRECTLY through the 780m. On earlier models, the external ports still went through the IGP where this does not.
2 - I had a slight fan noise coming from my fan. Powernotebooks send me another one, this time one branded with T&T. MUCH MUCH MUCH quieter! I think the TT fan is the better choice here -
well the battery is on, and I didn't install from the cd the application that allows me to switch from gaming mode,eco....what a
How can I see if the Hybrid you say is enabled??
On the other hand yea nice gpu score I -
I'm searching where to find similar adjustments in the system to increase video performance while on the battery. -
Generic VGA video card benchmark result - Intel Core i7-4700MQ,Micro-Star International Co., Ltd. MS-16F4
Physics score is still not as fast as I've seen for other 4700's, but it is consistent whether I overclock the GPU or run stock speeds. Try Gaming mode and if that doesn't do it, try installing the Hybrid program.... have fun! -
I have formatted many many times and ran Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1 with and without hybrid or SCM installed and i can tell you that leaving those not installed and just setting your machine to high performance will yield the same results. I initially even thought having Hybrid installed was helping but have since discovered it does nothing more then show you its running after having extensively tested all these different scenarios with and without all this stuff installed.
Balanced mode is broken in Windows 8 but works fine in 7 and 8.1 preview. So in balanced mode i can get the same exact scores in every benchmark as high performance and i mean every single one but the benefit of balanced mode is that the CPU will idle at 800mhz when doing nothing and this is a big deal to me and always has been.
So if you guys ever do a fresh install and feel like running some benchmarks before you install Hybrid and or SCM you can see for yourself.
SCM overrides to some extent the Windows Power Profiles so that is why we saw a jump of performance from Balanced (ECO Mode) to Gaming because Balanced in Windows 8 is broken unlike Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 where they fixed it again.
The reason we even need SCM is really to Enable/Disable things like Bluetooth/Webcam . The rest for the power thing is rather useless unless you like to use their movie mode etc. -
Thanks for the run down guys, all good things to know and what your OS is doing in the background before testing. -
1. P1 button / programming function (if someone knows how to access without SCM, and share with us, that would be great!
2. Display on / off function.
( I can get this by using Nirsoft 'Nircmd') --> NirCmd - Windows command line tool )
I have a short cut setup that just disables it. Again, if someone knows how to access this via EC (similar to fan control tool), that would be awesome!
3. Eject button. I have no need for this since I don't use optical drive, but have hdd caddy there. And even if I were to use the optical drive, the hardware eject button works just fine :thumbsup:
I like my machine as clean as possible at all times. -
OK that makes more sense (+4 hr battery life w/ HDMI)I thought you were referring to just regular optimus battery performance)... BTW: have you tried to the new 326.29 drivers? --->
Does this driver also require the modded inf and drive signature enforcement turned off when using OC unlocked vBios? I've tested the driver (stock vbios) and it installs just fine and very stable under windows 8.1. Performance is same with the 326.19, but I did read somewhere that it has additional hardware IDs updated. Not sure if that includes the universal firmware used on unlocking the vBios over at Tech Inferno. Be great to know. I have the bios sent to me by a friend here on the forum, but never used it. Don't want to until infs no longer needs modding, and until I can confirm that GT70-2 models will actually use the larger power supply rather than tapping the battery via NOS system. I am still skeptical that by simply putting higher wattage psu will bypass the NOS system. My hunch is that NOS system will activate regardless based on power-draw above 180 - 220 watts range... I guess a good way to test it would be to remove the battery and run it on AC power only and see what happens... -
Performance goes down when battery is removed with my larger Dell 240 Slim PS. It appears at least for now, there is no way around using the NOS and the system does not fully utilize the larger PSU. I am holding out hope that MSI will eventually release and option for us to turn on or off the NOS system and allow the system to utilize larger PSU. Maybe false hope though. I feel its very limitiing for those hoping to upgrade eventually to a 4930mx. The power limit is already felt using my 4900MQ, and will definitely show little to no benefit if you can't OC the 4930mx.
Hopefully someone will figure this out... Perhaps there's a 'power / wattage target' set somewhere?
Also, unless MSI is actually ready to release a larger PSU for themselves, I just don't see how MSI will ever fix this issue. Why would they? It opens doors wide open to extreme overclocking and creates slew of support issues and potential liability issues. What started out as a positive feature, is quickly becoming a huge roadblock (NOS) for overclockers....
Anyhoo, it is what it is... -
Yep i just modded and tried them and they dont have the memory bug that 326.19 has. Seem the same otherwise to every driver i have tested. Ran various benchmarks and everything is similar/same as usual.
I never expect much from new drivers quite frankly because generally speaking they just fix various bugs and occasionally bring some performance to certain titles. I test them most on stuff that has poor utilization from optimus. -
memory bug??
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Discussion in 'MSI Reviews & Owners' Lounges' started by eelkered, Mar 11, 2012.