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    Surface Pro 4 bulging, overheating battery

    Discussion in 'Microsoft' started by Unbridled4, Aug 23, 2018.

  1. Unbridled4

    Unbridled4 Newbie

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    ....and NO support from Microsoft.

    So, on July 30 I called Microsoft about my screen bulging out due to the battery expanding and overheating. They told me to stop using it, and that they would send me a prepaid box for return and replacement. This must be a well-known issue, as they seemed eager to address and resolve the matter. I wiped the unit on August 5, shipped it on August 6, and it was received on August 13. Here is the breakdown of what happened next: August 14 call, to follow up. I was told the replacement had already been sent out, but they didn't have a tracking number since it hadn't yet been generated by the shipper. August 16 call: I was told that it hadn't been shipped, but it would soon be ready to go. I was told that Surface Pro 4s were in short supply, but they would provide a 5/whatever they call the newer one, so as not to create a delay. I'd have a tracking number by the end of the week. August 18 call: I was placed on hold while the guy checked with department? He came back shortly and said I'd have a tracking number the next business day, Monday. He also reiterated that if it wasn't a Surface Pro 4 it would be the newer version, so as to not create a delay. He wasn't sure what would ship, and I told him I didn't care...I just wanted a working computer. August 20 call: I was told it hadn't shipped, they didn't know when it was going to ship, and the guy said he would escalate it to the Rapid Response Team. Estimated response time: 24-48 hours. August 21 call 1: Again told no ship date was available. Spoke to manager Gary T, who said he would escalate it to the Rapid Response Team. I told him that had already been done. RRT estimated response time: 24-48 hours. August 21 call 2: spoke to Winston V, who said he would continue to try to reach the RRT until the end of his shift (1am EDT) with repeated emails. August 22: Spoke with Francisco B, who refused to give me an employee # or alias. He reiterated "it's with the RRT...all we can do is wait". Spoke with his supervisor, Roy, who initially said he couldn't give me a last initial and employee # or alias. I said that was simply not true, as I had that info on multiple other employees. He finally relented and gave me his last initial R, but still would not provide me with an employee # or alias. Again he said "all we can do is wait". He stated that the RRT response time was "2 to 3 days". 3 days is rapid???!!!? Sorry to be so long winded, but I'm trying to be thorough. Bear in mind each call takes between 30 and 60 minutes. I still have zero resolution. The "rapid response team" should more accurately be called the "no response team". It's seven business days after receipt of my computer and nobody can tell me when a replacement will ship. Microsoft has NEVER contacted, text, email...NOTHING. I also told multiple reps (named above) that I have an extended warranty on this computer. I need a letter from Microsoft saying it is not a repairable defect, the unit must be replaced, and the warranty provider will just cut me a check. I can walk into Best Buy or whatever and have a replacement computer NOW, no wait needed. Nobody will write that letter. They just keep repeating "all we can do is wait". If you were contemplating a Surface Pro, RUN. Do NOT get wrapped up in this nightmare lurking down the road. I'm closing in on A MONTH with no resolution in sight. Microsoft: Never again. Never, never again.

    If anyone has any tips for me, I certainly would appreciate it.
    Starlight5 likes this.
  2. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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    Let us know how it turns out. They've never been known for good customer service. You could try tagging their support team on twitter to publicly air your grievances with a bit more visibility. That might get your RMA some extra care. Good luck!
  3. kojack

    kojack Notebook Prophet

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    Agree. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Start posting on all their social media and air your displeasure.
  4. excalibur1814

    excalibur1814 Notebook Evangelist

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    "They've never been known for good customer service. "

    In each case, when expecting a replacement, Microsoft has supplied the item way within 14 days or far, far less. As soon as (u.k.) the item is logged as being sent via UPS the replacement is automatically shipped. A few days later it arrives. Quite fast. If I wanted to know the desired delivery date I have emailed and, the next day, received a reply.

    Things happen. Stuff gets delayed. Items can get lost. You're one person in many with a request.

    What to do?
    -Send MS an update email...
    -Bullet point the above details as one block of text is horrendous to read or make sense of.
    -Give them a date to resolve the issue and be realistic.

    Great result in getting a Surface Pro (2017) instead of a replacement SP 4.
  5. Terreos

    Terreos Royal Guard

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    This tactic worked for me with Razer. If they have a reddit team do so there too. Reddit is a great place to get your voice heard. ;)
    Wyoming88! likes this.