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    possible to tether a phone to linux laptop via usb?

    Discussion in 'Linux Compatibility and Software' started by pdaadp, Mar 7, 2008.

  1. pdaadp

    pdaadp Newbie

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    i have an eeepc and sprint phone-as-modem service...

    want to tether my sprint razr phone to the eee, via usb cable....

    a lot of what i find online says, "just plug it in and your hardware will be available to you"....

    uhm, no, i don't see any of that.... i'm assuming i have to type some kind of code to get the eeePC to recognize my phone....

    btw, the phone/usb data cable both work as i'm doing this exact thing on an xp laptop...

    thanks :)

    ps have never used linux but trying to learn... is it something called ndiswrapper that i use with the xp usb modem driver that the razr uses under xp?
  2. timberwolf

    timberwolf Notebook Consultant

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    Internet connections via mobile/cellular networks are often dial-up connections.

    Your first step is to determine whether the linux kernel on an eeepc has a driver for your particular model of Motorola Razr phone.

    1) Boot up your eeepc with no USB devices plugged in.
    2) Open a console/xterm/terminal* window.
    3) Type the follow command in the console window:
    dmesg | tail -n 20
    Note: the pipe symbol on the keyboard maybe shown as a broken vertical bar.
    The above command display last 20 message that the linux kernel printed.
    4) Now plug in the USB cable to your Razr and ensure the Razr is powered etc...
    5) Wait 30 seconds to give the kernel sufficient time to detect the USB device and load the relevant linux driver module.
    6) Type the dmesg command again i.e.
    dmesg | tail -n 20

    Hopefully, you'll see output similar to that shown in the following link: