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    i need some help with my mouse and touchpad (ubuntu 8.04)

    Discussion in 'Linux Compatibility and Software' started by Fittersman, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. Fittersman

    Fittersman Wanna trade?

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    first off ill post the relevant part of my xorg.conf file
    Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier      "Configured Mouse"
            Driver          "mouse"
            Option          "CorePointer"
            [B]Option          "ZAxisMapping"  "6 7"[/B]
    Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier      "Synaptics Touchpad"
            Driver          "synaptics"
            Option          "SendCoreEvents"        "true"
            Option          "Device"        "/dev/psaux"
            Option          "Protocol"      "auto-dev"
            Option          "HorizEdgeScroll"       "0"
            [B]Option          "ZAxisMapping"  "6 7"[/B]
    The stuff in bold was added by me. might i add that in xev the scroll wheel registers as buttons 4 and 5, not 6 and 7 but for some reason i must use "6 7" and not "4 5" if i want scrolling

    I have a logitech G9 mouse

    here are my problems:
    1) if i flick my scroll wheel quickly then stop it, it will continue to scroll even after i have stopped it.
    2) the tilt wheel and the side buttons dont work (not that important)
    3) the part of my touchpad that is supposed to allow me to scroll in a page doesnt scroll anymore.

    if you can help with any of these problems or even if you can ask questions that might lead to something else, please do.
  2. jeffsmythe

    jeffsmythe Notebook Geek

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    Can't help you with items 1 & 2, sorry :(

    Item 3)
    Here's a great resource to help you with your touchpad. It's for gentoo linux, but all the xorg.conf stuff will be the same. It shows all the options that the touchpad driver supports and how to enable all the virtual buttons, scrollbars, sensitivity, etc.

    I *think* you should be able to ignore all the kernel related sutff on that page since ubuntu kernels have everything enabled already.