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    New to Linux: Where to begin?

    Discussion in 'Linux Compatibility and Software' started by Reciever, Nov 12, 2018.

  1. Reciever

    Reciever D! For Dragon!

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    Hey guys,

    I have been growing more irritated with Windows 10 on my M4600 and also on my Alienware 17 Ranger (before it died). The argument has always been like most other laymen's, I would switch in 5 minutes if I could have my games.

    Im to the point where gaming is not really a huge priority anymore, more interested in creation now but at the moment lack the knowledge to jump into that right now. Im looking to make that start by dropping Windows as the primary OS.

    The only game I like to play is R6: Siege which is Windows only. So I will likely try and see how it works with a VM w/ GPU pass through but if that doesnt work well then I will just be having to Dual - Boot just for that game. Otherwise everything else is already supported in Linux like CoH2 / Stellaris / Tekken 7 / RPG Maker V, long story short, ill live.

    Now I come from a Desktop Support environment so while I wouldnt say I am a power user, I do like to be able why things break down when they do so I can try and fix it on my own. I cant exactly do that in Linux at the moment and thats fine. Which boils down my request here.

    Where should I start in becoming more familiar in Linux?

    Right now I am using "Pop_OS" which is just Ubuntu 18.10 with S76 flavor added. After I also installed KDE that a friend recommended because the UI is more akin to Windows, and I do like it so far. I then installed Telegram and Steam which went smoothly. I installed additional media extensions but I believe that failed. I think I installed the additional repositories.

    So far I am liking what I am seeing, most everything can be replaced in Linux it seems. Just curious on where would be a good place to start learning about this more.

    Thanks in advance
    Maleko48 likes this.
  2. Vasudev

    Vasudev Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Install synaptic pkg manager. Then proceed to install Gnome tweak tool,linux firmware,cpu microcode package from AMD/Intel,TLP,powertop,Ubuntu restricted extras,adobe flash,Q4Wine GUI(If you to run some Windows Apps like benchmarks or some old games).
    You can get rid off Gnome 3.28/3.30 animations using gnome tweak tool and also install Disconnect option for WiFi Gnome extension via Synaptic. You can limit virtual desktops to 1 or NONE for reduced heat and CPU usage.
    Once everything is installed and tweaked to your liking, open powertop as root to calibrate the power usage on both AC and battery mode for best experience.
    For additional workarounds for Dell specific issues ask @Dennismungai
    Maleko48, Starlight5 and Reciever like this.
  3. inm8#2

    inm8#2 Notebook Deity

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    Strap yourself into a comfortable chair (I've seen this video recommended around the web on previous occasions).

    Reciever likes this.
  4. Reciever

    Reciever D! For Dragon!

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    Thank you for the quick and dirty. I think I tried to install the gnome tweak tool but failed, I moved on to looking into other things and never actually got back to that. A friend of mine who dabbles in Linux as well said they are all good things to try out, he remained neutral because Linux should be "do what you want, however way you want" in his eyes I can think? He thought it was interesting that there is laptop specific items but up til now he's been a desktop guy.

    I think my problem mostly at the moment is likely due to virtual box, it forgets the resolution I set and I have it at full screen mode so the mouse doesn't actuate correctly.

    I would probably just install Linux as the head but I have to rip all the drives out on my m4600 for an OS to be installed correctly because the bios isnt that great. That and I have toyed with the idea of getting the rx460 for my laptop.

    Bomb, 7 1/2 hour video lol should keep me busy for a while, thanks for sharing.
    Vasudev likes this.
  5. jclausius

    jclausius Notebook Virtuoso

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    I don't know if Linux Mint will have all the drivers of your m4600 (or AW Ranger if you can resurrect it), but you may want to try it out in a quick VM (or from a live boot USB). For those feeling more comfortable in (or looking for) a Win 7 type of environment, I would highly recommend trying this distribution... That is if it has all the other support / drivers you need for your hardware.
    Reciever and Vasudev like this.
  6. Reciever

    Reciever D! For Dragon!

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    I think my friend also mentioned Linux Mint, he said to go with anything really but he wont help with MATE because for w/e reason he doesnt like MATE or at least doesnt like how it was when he tried it out (when ever that was).

    I can throw Mint on another VM and give it a shot, so far I like how Pop_OS (Ubuntu) is with KDE which makes the system info change to Kubuntu it seems lol. Its all a bit of an adventure so far.

    I actually really like the Virtual Desktop or at least thats what I think its called at the moment.

    I wish it was easier to change the desktop background but thats a personal thing. Need to dig a bit more so I can figure out if there is a method of making the active windows just display the Icon for that application instead of a 1-2 inch long thing. Suppose it makes more sense to the power users that may use the virtual desktop in hindsight
    jclausius and Vasudev like this.
  7. jclausius

    jclausius Notebook Virtuoso

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    The difficulty of finding these simple things is one of the reasons I recommend Linux Mint (LM), Seems like the choice of the new Gnome desktop to require extra add-ones to give you the simple things (like background or min/max/restore buttons on a window frame) is silly. I'm supportive of LM decision to fork and start their own development of a natural desktop manager. Also, if you run into an issue and need some help, you can look at

    I like the inclusiveness of the LM approach (not having to install these add-ins in extra steps). However, like you discovered, it's not too difficult to add these items to tweak your desktop to get it to the point you are with Pop_OS! Regardless, whatever the case may be, either of these solutions mitigates your problems and moves away from the issues in Win 10.

    Note, I'm not necessarily anti-MS, and would like to keep Win 7 if they would keep it current, but the problems and direction of Win 10 have definitely pushed me away.

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
    Reciever and Vasudev like this.
  8. Litigio

    Litigio Newbie

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    Personally, I tested Linux Mint, Ubuntu and quite some different desktop environments. For me, Unity and/or XFCE (Xubuntu Desktop) are my favourites. Using 16.04. on my machines but only use them for SSH and managing Raspberry Pi images. So it's my personal look and feel which distribution I am using.
    Vasudev likes this.
  9. Reciever

    Reciever D! For Dragon!

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    Im definitely going to check out Mint, maybe tonight but likely going to be my next day off not sure yet. That said I have heard nice things about LM, I just went the route I did to see what would happen lol

    I dont particularly mind needing to configure a lot of things as long as it allows me to run how I would like to run on the GUI side of things but of course, Some items like to use the terminal indefinitely as I have just discovered so I cant really pin some things to the taskbar but was able to make desktop Icon's for them. The terminals with multi window capabilities seem to be very powerful in Linux.

    Yeah Im not necessarily anti-Windows either, in fact i'll likely still use Win10 in a VM if I can have GPU Passthrough work as I would like it to, if not then I will have to move to a dual booting solution. If I have to spend the same amount of time curating Windows as I would in Linux then Linux is the way I go in principle, Windows is a paid OS and I shouldnt have to fight it. That said it works in a Fully UEFI environment so a lot of people here need it for Pascal support.

    Since I just brought that up, does linux work in a Fully UEFI environment or nah? I guess that would also determine if I go for the WX 7100 or the W7170m on my Ranger. Would prefer the former over the latter but for now it doesnt matter. Its running the m6100 until I replace the motherboard.

    I like KDE so far but ill try out XFCE or at least check it out.
  10. jclausius

    jclausius Notebook Virtuoso

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    In LM, click the 'Start' (or menu button), navigate or search for your app, and then right-click -> Add to Panel. This is comparable to pinning something to the Windows taskbar.

    Want to change the desktop? Merely right click on the desktop and choose 'Change Desktop Background'. Other options are in the 'Settings' (comparable to Win's Control Panel).

    To me, things are in their natural spot, where you'd expect to find them. The *.desktop files took a little bit to figure out (instead of .lnk), but not too difficult to master.

    It runs in either BIOS or UEFI, although I believe if your system allows it you cannot switch once installed. FWIW, the 'Mighty-Mini' (see my sig) is fully UEFI.

    Also, I'm dual-booting as well.

    For more info, see:

    a) Open the spoiler 'The OS dual boot details' in this link -

    b) Some more details when I upgraded -
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2018
    Reciever and Vasudev like this.
  11. Reciever

    Reciever D! For Dragon!

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    Thanks for sharing! I got those links bookmarked.

    On top of bumbling my way around linux I have been learning to use MacOS too, for work. So lots of new experiences going on these past few weeks lol.

    I will be for sure referencing your posts when I begin to rebuild the Ranger and get things configured.
    jclausius likes this.
  12. inm8#2

    inm8#2 Notebook Deity

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    Installing Linux Mint? Hey, I have another video for you! :p

    jclausius and Reciever like this.
  13. Reciever

    Reciever D! For Dragon!

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    You guys are great, Looks like I have a lot of material to work with on my next day off to absorb more information. I was worried about trying Linux because I always heard that the community is rather harsh to newcomers.

    I am busy breaking my installation over my work nights and during my lunch breaks I am studying Korean so my schedule is packed. Also friend of mine has been cycling through Aero 15x's and hes a laptop laymen so I have been tuning each machine he gets. 1st machine had artifacting and 2nd machine has severe backlight bleed.

    Next day off ill try running Linux Mint or Ubuntu on this m4600 and see how it goes. Sunday a likely time for it.
    katalin_2003 and hmscott like this.
  14. Mobius 1

    Mobius 1 Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    That's only the free-free distro retards, arch + gentoo fan cancer (to some extent).
    hmscott and Vasudev like this.
  15. jclausius

    jclausius Notebook Virtuoso

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    Plus we were all in your shoes at one time or another.

    I've been using Linux off/on since grad school (1993) when things were based on downloading and creating floppy disks or ordering from Walnut Creek. There was no community except me and other students pouring over readme type files trying to figure things out. However, it's come a long way since then, and the community has grown too. I think you'll find in at least to this regards that if you do a little research on your own, and don't expect people to do it for you, you'll find them receptive to any questions.
    hmscott and Vasudev like this.
  16. ALLurGroceries

    ALLurGroceries  Vegan Vermin Super Moderator

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  17. Reciever

    Reciever D! For Dragon!

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    I have pre-loaded kubuntu / Linux Mint and Fedora. I would've pre-loaded more but that flash drive only has 8GB on it.

    My friend also mentioned that I should included Gparted on the drive, with a tool he was familiar with called "Yumi"

    Ill be installing Linux tomorrow, its a bit tricky on my m4600 it has a bad habit of losing the drives during a Windows installation and I dont want to risk foul play so have to pull my drives out.

    Thanks for the link to a Linux community, dont know if I'll be posting there for a while but it will be good to find another place to passively learn from others.
    jclausius likes this.
  18. Vasudev

    Vasudev Notebook Nobel Laureate

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    Use AIOBoot instead of YUMI. You just burn it once and it has dual UEFI/Legacy support w/o burning ISO every time.
  19. Reciever

    Reciever D! For Dragon!

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    Ill keep that one in mind the next time I gather some distributions, probably when I get the Ranger back up and running.