For years our company has only ordered latitudes and now I am thinking of ordering a Lenovo W530 for myself to test out. I see they are having a sale right now for 20% off. Dell has a perpetual sale on their site that never seems to go away. Is it the same way for Lenovo or is this actually a sale that doesn't happen often? A fully loaded W530 on there now is costing a little under $1500 with free shipping. That seems pretty cheap compared to a similar spec Dell Precision. Just wondering if I should pull the trigger now or if I have to wait. Thanks!
ALLurGroceries Vegan Vermin Super Moderator
Lenovo runs sales very often, but you would need to keep going through their online configurator to see if this time it's actually cheaper with your specs.
B&N Gold is a sure-fire way to pay a low price, but it also means you probably end up paying sales tax.
When I bought my X220 I waited months and finally paid maybe 20 dollars more than the lowest price I had seen. But that was after going through the form a ton of times to get to the final shipped price as I wanted it configured. -
I bought my fully-loaded W520 for 25% not long after it was released, thanks to the Barnes + Noble discount and haggling. There weren't any sales going on when I ordered.
I'd try haggling for an addition 5% off or so... 25% or so is about the highest discount you can get for a lot of good systems. -
Thanks for the feedback. Can anyone elaborate as to what barnes and noble gold is? I tried googling, I found a link that went directly to lenovos site and then another forum post here, nothing that says what it is though! I'm wondering if I should just on this deal if 20% is good. I just figured it was like Dell and always showed a discount.
If you search 'Lenovo Barnes and Noble' you can find the right part of the Lenovo site to go through, you'll need to register. Currently that portal actually has 28% off on the W530 so definitely go through that if that's what you're looking for. I'm not sure about the tax thing though, do you not have to pay tax normally? That actually be a bigger deal than the extra 8% for me I think but I think it's pretty close either way. Although I'm in California and i think we usually get taxed on most things online.
I feel Lenovo sale is very different from that of IBM.
I have monitor the price of T530 at Barnes and Noble site daily over a month. The price is almost the same each day, just very small changes.The funny thing is that they constantly change coupon names. Appears that China does not have BF.
Any thoughts or comments? -
same here. I have been trying different combinations from a month. Nothing more than 30-40$ changes -
Generally, I find that the employee discount (that is if you work or know someone that works at Lenovo/IBM) is slightly more than any other special discount such as student/university, visa, B&N, or other program membership or corporate discounts. The max, I'd say you'd get is 30% off the listed price, but 25% is very good as well and the best time tends to be back to school and after boxing day, especially for models that have just been replaced. I got mine with the employee discount for 25-30% off. It was far cheaper than the comparable Dell and HP workstations. Dell used to have some crazy sales (40% off list price) but they've been pretty tame for the last few years. HP is generally the most expensive of the 3 with random good deals (but mostly not good deals lol) on the prebuilt configurations every so often. This is in the USA though, it might differ in other countries.
Is the Lenovo pre-Black Friday sale really a deal?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by nsummy, Nov 20, 2012.