These temperatures are from having the computer sit on a table during some basic web searching. How can I tell if my fan is working? Also, is there a way I can manually tell my Thinkpad to turn on its fans? I know this is not normal because I monitor temperatures and have never seen them as high as this. GPU never goes above 58 during basic usage and CPU never goes above 52.
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mullenbooger Former New York Giant
Those temps aren't bad at all, certainly not in the danger range. For idle they are a little high, but in my experience the temps will sometimes spike for the gpu and cpu even though I'm not doing anything intensive. I chalk it up to windows doing some background process that causes them to go up. In general, are the temps always that high when you are idling?
To see if the fan is working, just stick your head next to the vent on the left and you should be able to hear it (there are a couple of different levels depending on the temp too). In addition, if its really hot, you should be able to feel the hot air being pushed out.
Is something wrong with my fan?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by dohuy, Jan 30, 2009.