The order status doesn't show the parts list anymore.
I don't think anyones parts are showing up...
Woops, repost.
the list of parts isnt there either for me, although the " in process" status hasnt changed
Same here. I was just about to think that Lenovo was getting ready to ship. But I guess they just upgraded their web site. I printed the parts list out when I made the order.
it could be because maybe they are updating their site for back to school sales lets watch carefully in case of any price drop we get our price adjustments
Or it could be cuz Lenovo's site is the biggest piece of junk out there. Every day I encounter some problem with the site, from error loops to broken links to cookie freakouts.
Today my configuration list disappeared (bummer cuz I didn't print it). Then I tried to go in and modify some account details but every account or order-related link I tried sent me to the Lenovo Corporate home page. Yet another snafu. Amazing.
Is my order about to be shipped?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by sp00n, Jul 24, 2007.