Hi everyone. Got my T61 and love it. I'm a convert from Dell, after receiving a new 1520 over a month after I ordered it with a shoddy screen.
One question - to the left of the screen hinge under the screen itself, is there a plastic piece that covers the metal hinge? I see an exposed metal hinge with two holes with no screws in them. On the other side, to the right of the right screen hinge, there is black plastic and you can't see any metal hinge.
Is this normal, or did they forget to click a plastic piece in there? What are my options? Don't want to send in a brand new machine, especially for something so little. Don't necessarily want a replacement - this one is great and I've started loading it with my stuff, and there are no construction problems.
Let me know how yours looks. Thanks!
I have the same thing. I think it is designed that way.
Just checking. Thanks!
I believe I know what you are talking about and I think it is suppose to be that way!
Odd design, but I love the machine! Just checking - it definitely does look like a piece should there.
You're supposed to see 2 metal hinges one on each side. If you don't see the metal hinge on the right side, then something is not normal.
i just noticed the same thing...there's a threaded hole with no screw...i guess if well have this...then its normal to be abnormal
yeap, its 100 percent normal.
now...is this normal? i hear some type of clicking sound when i press down on my left speaker
it's really intermittent...sometimes i hear nothing...and other times is kind of loud...i only noticed this when i tried picking up my notebook with screen open -
email me at [email protected] and i will reply back with the video...it won't let me post it on here....we may have slightly different designs.....there is no plastic pushed up on mine
Just watched/listened to the video..
For me I can say that my click is in the exact same place. Across from the F1 button. I don't really know what to make of it though *shrug*. -
well..if we both have..it must be normal...i was just worried that there was some loose piece in there
Is my T61 missing a plastic piece?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ErikW, Sep 16, 2007.