Recently noticed that the cover wouldn't lock securely on the T420 when closed, by further checking, I found that the LCD cover latch(the one on the lower right corner of the keyboard bezel) seemed to be problematic.
1. with the cover open, and pulling the latch to the rightmost, the latch can bounce back to the leftmost position, however, if I just pull it about 3mm, the latch will stay in that position until I pull it to the left.
2. when closing lid, the latch will move about 3-5mm to the right but will not bounce back to the leftmost position, as a result, the left LCD cover hook wouldn't lock, I can still pull the latch to the left and get it locked though.
So looks like the latch spring is "underpowered", is it normal? its a relatively new laptop but if its a common issue I might just live with it.
Is my T420 LCD cover latch failed?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by lucida, Jul 6, 2012.