I noticed that my 2x2GB G.Skill kit do whine all the time, maybe is the fact that my Thinkpad is silent that when I'm in a quiet room I don't hear the HDD or the fan, but the fricking RAM.
Does the brand makes a difference on electronic whining or it's just a matter of luck?
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
Never heard of that before.
What happens when you change the screen brightness, does the pitch of the noise change? -
It must be some other component. I do not believe RAM produces any noise whatsoever.
thinkpad knows best Notebook Deity
It could be the processor, for example, my new T61p has a whining sound when on Power Saver plan, but instantly goes away when i select a different power plan such as Balanced (Windows 7 RC x86).
Ive actually got a constant whine from my thinkpad. I'm unsure of the source though and lack the parts to investigate.
If it is a mild unvarying hum, and you know its not the fan, it may very well be the LCD. Power modulation when you dim the screen can cause the screen to make noise, which would account for why some notice it during power save mode.
it's probably related to what has been called the "penryn whine", which AFAIK is related to poor insulation on some mobo components resulting in some high-frequency whine in certain power states. My T400 does it, but only with certain power settings.
justanormalguy Notebook Consultant
It's the CPU. They produce a high-frequency "whine" while engaged in a low power state. Meaning when you have it on battery.
To the above post, it is not limited to Penryn. There are a lot of C2Ds suffering from this issue. Sadly there's not much you can do, really. -
moral hazard Notebook Nobel Laureate
I think it's the inverter. that is why I suggest changing the brightness, it should change the pitch of the noise.
When you're on battery power, your brightness goes down automatically, and hence the inverter makes the noise. Changing the brighness to max should stop it.
Is it normal to hear the RAM whining?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by t30power, Nov 8, 2009.