My computer order has been delayed by a month and I have the opportunity to place another order for the same computer and save $50.00. The only difference is the warranty recently was changed from three years to one year. My experience with computers is if something is going to go wrong, it will more than likey happen in the first year. Is it worth it to keep my older order and have the three year warranty or should I save $50.00 and have a one year warranty.
This computer is an M90z all-in-one desktop. I know this is a notebook computer board, but I am trying to get a general idea of Lenovo quality. Also, the Lenovo board on Desktop Review is a ghost town.
Well, all of Desktop Review is a ghost town.
I would definitely say $50 is worth it for a 2 year extension.
50 dollars for 2 extra year of warranty is a steal, definitely get it. It is like getting car insurance, you will never know when it may come in handy.
"50 dollars for 2 extra year of warranty is a steal, definitely get it. It is like getting car insurance, you will never know when it may come in handy."
I was just thinking the same thing. BY ALL means, get it.
I have a T61P and it's still under warranty. But it's been getting dim. So I sent it in, and Lenovo replaced the entire screen.
It's fictitious to think of failures occuring during the first year,
Renee -
lineS of flight Notebook Virtuoso
So, spending the $50 is definitely worth it. I got a 3-yr onsite warranty for my newest machine (TP R400; specs in sig) and since I have used the warranty service a lot (for what some may think is a minor issue), I have come to appreciate the advantages that having a warranty (in my case, the onsite deal was the best part of it) confers.
I would also recommend getting an accidental warranty. It is a hedge (sometimes an expensive one) against Murphy's Law. I should get one, really, I should! -
i had warranty issue on a T60 that had a LCD failure right on the second last day of the 3 years warranty. So it is definitely a wise option to get an extended warranty especially when it is so cheap (it also increases the machine's resale value if it comes to that). If it saves you once a year, it is a goodyear (i mean warranty)....
scadsfkasfddsk Notebook Evangelist
At $50, US$ I presume, you would be really silly not to. Yes faults happen in the first year, the more expensive faults though happen after year (this applies more to notebooks), as parts become harder to source. I would still recommend getting that extended warranty, even if it ends up only being for piece of mind.
Read the original post carefully. He's talking about a desktop.
IMO, NO. Extended warranty for laptops make alot of sense as the system board is EXTREMELY expensive ($900+ in some cases).
Desktop parts are easily replaced by the user with normal parts (cheap). -
I'd keep the warranty. Lenovo is very good about sending customers parts that are self-repair, saving you the hassle of working with a depot. Since these computers are easy to self-repair, you're getting component coverage for cheap. Plus, it buys you access to tech support (whatever that's worth) to help diagnose a component problem.
I tend to run my desktop computers hard and have found that motherboards and primary hard drives do not last 3 years.
Technical obsolescence is another issue... -
AIO desktop uses lot of laptop components, so it is not really a desktop in the traditional sense of things. Whether desktop or laptop, 50 dollars is not lot to pay for extra 2 years of warranty.
Is an additional 2 years on a warranty worth $50.00?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by JWBlue, Aug 19, 2010.