Even if it's by a marginal difference, which one would be physically more durable?
It would be an extremely marginal difference, but I would say the standard screen, being closer to a square shape, would be more durable. Generally, however, the only durability difference you're going to see is how susceptible the screens are to damage by torsion (twisting the screen), which is not a common stress on a notebook.
The construction on both seem to be very good, and especially with the roll cage in the T16 series, I doubt there is much difference in durability. Thinkpads are pretty tough machines -- watch the webcast
Is there a difference in the component setup/locations between widescreen and standard?
This is an excellent question. Any engineers or mathematicians in the house? My rudimentary trigonometry skills tell me that any force applied to the corners of the notebook are more evenly distributed on a normal aspect screen than on a widescreen notebook. The widescreen will always have an uneven distribution of forces, therefore uneven wear. The real answer will come over time as reliability data is collected.
Wow...that's a lot more thought and effort than I ever would have given that question. Fortunately, I don't intend to keep anything through the end of the 21st century, given that, barring medical advances, I'll be decomposed by the end of the 21st century.
Is Widescreen or Standard more durable?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Shamoke, Oct 15, 2007.