I'm ordering a z61t with a 14 inch wxga+ screen. Does anybody else have this setup? How do you like it?
I have that resolution on my notebook, but mine is on a 17" screen. I think it looks okay. Not too small and not too large. I have seen a few notebooks with the same resolution on a 14" screen, and again, it looks quite good. Just about the right size. Have a look at a notebook in a shop with the same resolution, and see if you like it. Hope this helps.
Good on a 14 inch screen, or good in general? Me? I don't really think WXGA+ is good or bad in general?
Well, I think it looked good on both 14" and 17". It probably looks a bit better on a 14", because it is just that little bit smaller. I still think it looks good on a 17" screen, though.
maybe a little bit small on 14"
i think it looks best on a 15.4" or 15"
i dont' know why people can use a 15.4" WUXGA, it's TINY and the graphics card simply can't handle a game playing in that resolution -
Everyone is different. I personally find the 1050 of SXGA to be more useful though I suppose it will depend on what you are doing.
To the original poster, has your laptop arrived and if so how is the wxga+ screen? I have used a Dell 8100 with a 15" WUXGA screen and it was okay but the text could have been slightly larger.
How much smaller is text on the WXGA+ vs. WXGA on the 14.1" screen?
Thanks -
It seemed fine to me, but you can increase the DPI if you would like larger text.
wxga in 14in screens are just right. much like the wsxga in 15in. and i have a hunch that wuxga fits right on a 17in.
increasing resolution with increasing screen size. -
I think WSXGA+ in 15.4" is the maximum resolution to see comfortably. I think it is also the best resolution in that size. WXGA and WSXGA make the screen looks smaller than WSXGA+ provides.
Yes the text looks tiny but it also makes the screen look bigger.
Is WXGA+ a good thing?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by MichaelG, Dec 14, 2006.