I have a TZ series laptop with a SSD running Vista and it's slow as.....#$R%#. Even simple things like Outlook refreshing, changing windows panes is annoying as hell. Still loving my T43 with old skool *ide* drives
I'm ordering a X300 and T61 this week and am debating between a SSD vs 7200rpm drive
redrazor11 Formerly waterwizard11
What kind of SSD is it? Do you know the brand?
Right now an SSD cost so much it is not really worth it (it is only ok if you bounce around in a jeep when you use your laptop).
right now SATA is going strong so a you would not notice alot of diffrence between a 7200 and a 5400 (I like the 5400 because of less heat and more storage and costs less with no obvious slow down).
When going between pages RAM and GPU mem are more inportant than HD speed.
my 2 cents -
Interesting. I figuered there would be a battery hit with the 7200 RPM drive, but it's not ~faster~ in real world applications ?
Not really.
In terms of battery there is not much of a diffrence because the SSD will run at full power all the time compared to the normal where it is only working some of the time. -
Is there a real difference in heat between the 5400 and the 7200 on the x61?
Depends on what you're doing. Whether it's "worth it" is always a difficult question to answer. For me, I'd probably say no. You certainly could upgrade at a later date if a 7200RPM isn't cutting it for you.
Is SSD the way to go ?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by chefwong, Jul 19, 2008.