Have a Dell Insperion and am tired of India tech support and repeated problems.
I am in the market for a PowerPoint/DVD, Desktop Pub, etc. machine for work and am looking at the T43 and the Techra A4 among possibly others. Budget $2,000 (give or take $500) for a small non-profit.
My Dell overheated during my last presentation using a DVD and PPt. I fixed it myself because I just couldn't waste the time with support.
Last problem (keyboard related) I fixed too on my own because I grew tired of weeks of runaround with Dell India Support.rant over.
Since my board wouldn't want to see this on the agenda again for 4-5 yrs this baby needs to scream and be dependable!!!
Last time I called, I connected to Atlanta, GA.
I know things, things that could get me killed
Thinkpad T41:
* 1.6Ghz Pentium M * 768Mb Memory * 40Gb Hitachi 7200RPM * Panasonic UJ-845-B DVD+RW *
Is IBM tech support still US based?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by gunpowder, Mar 5, 2005.