Every time I play a video using Media Player Classic, VideoLan, Zoomplayer, etc. my Internet connection that is downloading slows down and eventually stops.
Using z60m, wifi connection, windows xp.
Are the videos you are playing stored on a local drive or a network drive?
They're on a local drive.
I've searched here earlier and found this post that is similar to my problem http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=349091 . I think this is a rare problem since I've been googling for this problem for a while now to no avail.
Just an addition: I solved this problem before by ending an odd process in Task Manager. The problem is that I forgot the name of the process and I've been looking and ending processes left and right to no avail.
Also, is it possible for the mods to move this to the networking forums. I think this post is more fit there since this is a non-brand specific problem as evidenced by the link above.
Internet Slows/Stops When Playing Videos
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Sulk, Mar 15, 2009.