I'm hesitating to have someone purchase a W510 or a W701 in the US because one can configure exactly the notebook one wants and the availability is shorter, but it would be used in Europe.
Are the warranties (basic, onsite, priority) international?
After having read the Thinkpad sticky which I should have done in the first place, I have determined that both W510 and W701 are eligible for IWS.
If someone can share her/his good/bad international warranty experience with a not too old Lenovo this would be great. -
no matter the level of coverage you get in the USA, you will only be eligible for the most basic warranty coverage in the Europe.
lineS of flight Notebook Virtuoso
Lenovo Support & downloads - International warranty service (IWS)
this link is in the sticky at the top of this board.
International guarantee
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by Cedricm, Jun 2, 2010.