I'm considering buying a T61. Unfortunately it seems the NVIDIA card isn't available for the 15.4" screen. I have a monitor that I can (and often do) rotate when reading documents.
Does anyone know if the Intel graphics chip on the T61 will allow for rotation of an external monitor?
There is a sale on right now... I feel like I shouldn't wait for the T61 15.4" with NVIDIA to come out, so I may just go with the smaller screen and better graphics chip.
The Intel display applet does have options for rotating the display...but I'm not sure of it's only the built in LCD display or if it can rotate the external display as well.
Also could anyone could comment on the performance of the X3100? I was going to wait for the nvs140m but I might consider integrated graphics *shudder* if it isn't too gimped. (I don't play games)
I'm finding the X3100 very smooth...I've it at max resolution and cam use flip 3D without any problems while watching a DVD via Media Centre, havin gOutlook 2007 open and a few IE windows....
Accoring to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_GMA and some reviews, the current generation finally has some real 3D acceleration, and while the drivers are currently not bad, 3D support will improve in the future (ie. full DirectX 10 compat). Intel really rushed this hardware out the door before having fully developed drivers. -
I have read the review but I was looking at the build quality remarks more than the benchmarks but I'll check it out. One of the things I've found is that even my GO 6600 in Vista with Aero is slower than not having Aero on. Not necessarily in benchmarks (I haven't run any) but overall responsiveness of the windows and feel. It's smooth but there is noticeable slugishness compared to aero basic and windows classic. I don't know if the X3100 and DX10 cards have some Vista specific optimizations that help in that area, what do you think? I have Aero off right now running windows classic which is ugly as sin. I also tried just aero basic which is even uglier than aero classic haha so in my next laptop I'd like to run Aero smoothly. I'm going to run 3dmark06 on my laptop and see how it measures up. Maybe it's a driver issue even though.. it's the Vista driver. I was going off of this benchmark list:
Currently my GO6600 has higher 3dmark scores than either the x3100 or the NVS 140M which is scary. I'm going to run 3dmark06 on my own and see how it stacks up to the reported scores on that website. -
Yeah, something about your current rig sounds off.
I'm not as concerned as I use Ubuntu exclusively, and I know compiz runs really well with the Intel 950 and later. But I also assumed that Aero would run fine, given that 950s are included in MBPs, and I've heard Intel designed them specifically to be up to par for Aero. -
My graphics haven't been slow though. I ran HL2 at high settings and as getting decent framerates under aero. What I fear is that all of the lower end card options are going to feel sluggish in aero compared to aero basic/windows classic. And I'm not keen on forking over $400 more for a midrange card. I might head a big box shop and play around with their X3100 machines and see if I notice a difference between aero and aero basic/windows classic like I do with my go6600.
Intel graphics for external monitor
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by ChrisNF, Jun 20, 2007.