Does the Intel Turbo Memory option equivalent, similiar, or not even close to a Hybrid HDD?
Vista's ReadyDrive is type of HDD Hybrid. Intel Turbo Memory is not as effective as ReadyDrive.
'coz I see most Hybrid only has 128 or 256MB on-board
while Turbo Memory has 1Gb although it splitted in half with Readyboost but still has 512MB for ReadyDrive
I thought it would be more effective....
soda -
I say more effective because Intel Turbo Memory is unstable while ReadyDrive has been proven to work efficiently and is stable.
IMVHO better is Vaulter Disk (Capacities: 8 GB to 16 GB) link
SanDisk Vaulter Disk: An SSD For Computer OS-es link -
lolz...that is good
but I don't think is possible to buy or upgrade that...
soda -
I thougth the turbo mem was fixed via the latest update?
It is fixed
FYI ReadyBoost only takes a max of 4GB so if you have bigger cool, but it will not be utilized.
I think turbo memory has had 2 problems: stable drivers, and Vista support/effectiveness.
AFAIK, stable drivers have now been delivered. Vista support is still sketchy - but I thought I had read that SP1 would finally deliver the performance upgrades that Intel Turbo Memory promised?
Anyone know the truth of the matter? -
Don't know but hope so, my computer will be waiting.
Yes, the turbo memory issues is fixed....all you have to do is disable the hybrid disc power saving option
And, YES, the turbo memory does make the hard disck a hybrid drive -
Lastest drivers are still not 100% stable for me or even close to it. Still get random BSODs on bootup. It's going to be a long and painful wait for both good drivers AND Vista support, or even either of the two on its own.
Agreed Jackboot, also that is not the problem with my setup either. I've tried that already. I have determined that the problem lies in my setup, there is some resource conflict with my D/dock with PCI video card in it. I have a complex 4 monitor setup on my laptop using a PCI Geforce 6200 256mb in the D/dock, and I believe ITM uses some of the same resources which cause a conflict. I have reported the error to both MS and Intel, but have little faith that it will be solved since very few people have a setup like mine (D/dock with video card). The laptop works fine out of the dock without crashes, so for now I just disable the ITM. I haven't physically removed it from the PCIe slot but I may just do that soon.
so how do i disable the hybrid part so it will at least work a little bit for me
Intel Turbo Memory = Hybrid HDD?
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by soda97, Jan 14, 2008.