Hi, anyone knows problems of compatibility between the wireless card intel 4965 that I have installed in my X61 and this router with N - Technology?? Are there any solution for this?? Try to remove the wireless card and install new one? I don't know... Please help me
I use the 4965 with a D-Link Xtreme DIR655 and have no problems. Are you using Access Connections or Windows to manage your wireless connection.
I am using it with a Linksys WRT300N - no problem. Is it failing to connect in any band, or only N band? With or without encryption? Are you sure that the wireless card is switched on? Check in Windows networking.
There should be no issues with the Intel card and the router. What exactly is the problem you are having?
I have the same setup, yet I cannot find any indication on my T61p that it is running at anything above B or G. I would assume if it was running N, the T61p connection would indicate such. I've checked everything I can find on the DIR655 and everything seems to be set up just fine. The ONLY thing I can think of is I DON'T have it set to N-only. Is there a way to force the T61p to N only mode? I'm sure I looked but don't remember seeing anything like that. -
I took some picks of how it looks like in the router and in Vista:
How I know if my wireless card receive N signal??? I use access conections and the router WAG325N. I heard that this card doesn't work with this router, please help me
I've been through every setting on my T61p network config (wired and wireless) and every setting on the DIR655 and can't get anything above 11g as a response. I guess I'll have to find time to turn off all security and see if that has any effect (it shouldn't).
Any other suggestions...... -
The Intel 4965 card will ONLY connect in N mode using WPA2 AES encryption, or no encryption at all. Make sure you have WPA AES enabled on the router. Then, you also have to set your card to use AES in connection manager - profiles. I don't know about the 325N, but my 300N can be set to only accept N connections.
I put the WPA2 - PSK (AES) encryption and the result is that the conection G works and stop every time and change to N conection and works and stop every time... and back to conection G..... help me...
alacrityathome Notebook Consultant
Nice screen photo. What part of the world is that?
When you asked about access connections versus windows.....what were you getting at?
I ask because either my IPW4965 or my access connections or both seem very schizonphrenic.....inconsistent.
Whenever I use a separate wireless usb dongle with its own software ... not access connections ... it is solid and consistent.
If you do use windows instead of access connections, do you have to remove the access connections software? I ask because windows referred me back to access connections when I tried to use it.
Alacrity -
Finally my problem it's solved..... I updating the firmware of the router and that's all.... jejejejejeje
alacrityathome Notebook Consultant
I need to give you your first rep power! Your firmware reminder also solved my router/4965/T61p problem.
Alacrity -
Sorry it was a false alarm and my antenna only can connects to G connections, please help me about that. Any firmware or similar for the wireless card, any configuration..... thanks I have a X61 with Vista 64 ultimate and Intel Wifi Link 4965 and a router Linksys WAG325N.
I downloaded it from interfacelift.com. It was taken in Brazil I believe.
As far as Access Connections VS Windows, you should only use one or the other. If you try to use both you will have conflict issues since Access Connections uses it own zeroconfig and as you noticed, your connections will be erratic.
I would use Windows to manage your wireless connections.
Once you have used access connections and want to use Windows, its best to uninstall access connections. -
alacrityathome Notebook Consultant
Ok......I just ordered the DIR-655 for $114 off of Buy.com. I am counting on your recommendation!
I liked the SSID you used...."ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK"
With your DIR-655 do you HAVE to use one type of encryption (as one of the posters mentioned) like WPA2 w/AES with the IPW4965? Or, can you use a range of encryption?
Thanks for any feedback,
Alacrity -
Oh wow, you bought one!
I don't use encryption since I use MAC address filtering, but I took a pic of the options you have:
You can use WEP on its own or WPA/WPA2 with TKIP/AES, both in auto mode.
With the router configured with those settings, I enabled WPA2/AES on my laptop and I get 130. Just for giggles I enabled WPA/AES and I still get 130.
Then I set laptop to use WPA/TKIP and WPA2/TKIP and only get 54 with either one.
So as long as you use WPA or WPA2 enabled with AES you will get 130. -
How I can shoose between Access Connections and the Windows Wireless Utility??
alacrityathome Notebook Consultant
thanks for posting that screen info. yes, I got tired of buying $29 Fry's branded routers. They seem to break too often.
so, after seeing your "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" I decided to purchase a name brand and go with the N level. seems to have great reviews in the industry.
by the way, you actually should use WPA encryption unless you are in the country with no neighbors. the WEP encryption can be hacked within 1-3 minutes.
I think you have to go into the control panel and add and remove programs and delete the access connections. then go down to the bottom right of your screen and double click on the windows connection icon OR go into Start, Programs, Accessories, Communications.....
Intel 4965 Wireless Card and Linksys WAG325N
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by dani_spain, Jan 5, 2008.