I have T61p with XP Professional loaded, I would like to install Vista and when I insert the disk, direct the system to boot from CD all goes well until initial files are loaded and dialogue box appears asking if I want to Install when i 'confirm' that action it is unable to connect to the HDD (says there is no HDD??). Why is this so...I have never observed this behavior before.
Just change the SATA mode to compatibility in the BIOS. F1 at the ThinkPad screen->config->serial ata (SATA)-->change to compatibility from AHCI-->F10 to save and exit. Then try again.
Thank you, I'm in!
vista has the same problem? ugly...
I searched a little on the subject but the answers in techno speak I am not totally in tune with; Once I do the install should I switch back to the AHCI mode? What are the benefits? I am sure your time is valuable but a link to a simpler explanation than what I found would be appreciated.
And if you don't know what NCQ is, it's simply a bunch of commands on a disk that is queued and executed more efficiently. For example, think of a number line with the numbers 1, 10, and 100 on it. Without NCQ, the a normal disk drive would execute its command depending on the order it receives it. So let's say you tell it to do 1, 100, and 10. Without NCQ, it will literally go to 1, then past 10 to 100, then back to 10 - thus increasing seek time. With NCQ, it will go from 1, to 10, to 100. Get it? -
Understand the logic, if AHCI is enabled are there other switches (software/firmware) that need to be flipped in order to realize that type of logic processing?
Once Xp is installed simply download the "Intel Matrix" drivers and manually install the driver under device manager. Once that is done, reboot and go back in the BIOS and enable AHCI.
Vista has not turned out to be my cup of tea and I am reinstalling the XP Pro software I had loaded, unfortunately I did not read the 'guide' by ARKIT3KT BEFORE uninstalling and I am having to load the drivers one x one ; I cannot seem to get the 802.11 (WiFi?) to kick on and there is a whole list of "other devices" in the Device manager, 3 BAse System Devices, 2 PCI Devices, 2 USB Xtrollers, Unknown device, etc..... Most important is the WiFi....which driver kicks that on for me??
"vista has the same problem? ugly..."
It's not a problem it's a feature. An operating system cannot anticipate future chipsets. So you are given a compatibility mode to load the operating system and then add chipset specfic code optimized for a given chipset. -
I see 3 Driver Options on the Lenovo site, how can I identify which is on my system, would it hurt to install all of them until it started working. :-O
If you ordered the ThinkPad wireless adapter, install this: http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?lndocid=MIGR-52527
I bought the box 'used' off of craigslist, how can I ID the HDWE without having access to the order info....?? Everything was working fine until I decided to try Vista and then revert back to XP.....
The numbers you need are at the bottom of your laptop. -
All is good in the land of wireless communications. Thank you for your guidance!
I started from scratch (again) and have all drivers I recognize installed. Question-
In DEVICE MANAGER->?OTHER DEVICES->?BASE SYSTEM DEVICE there are three of these which are not defined (described) simply they are BASE SYSTEM DEVICES...how can identify what these devices are? -
Oh god... Ark.... your avatar scared me to death.....
Installing New OS
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by newstroller123, Jan 20, 2008.