Nothing popped up in BIOS.. I turned on computer and everything works. Applications are reading the RAM. Is this fine?
Wait what? If if it works, it works...if you are really worried you can run memtest, but why are you worrying so much.
I installed RAM, turned on computer and thats all that happened. Everything is working though. -
In my old laptop, nothing in BIOS popped up, but the RAM was recognized and everything worked fine. In the desktops I have added RAM too, nothing special happened either - booted fine, and memory registers the new, larger amount. I wouldn't worry too much about it. You could run MemTest if you really want.
BIOSs of old used to say something if the RAM was changedmodern ones tend not to. Youre golden.
And memtest is a program you can dl and boot from to test memory. -
The Fire Snake Notebook Virtuoso
Nothing in the BIOS will popup to tell you that that you installed new ram. You can go into the BIOS yourself manually before it loads the OS and check to see if the BIOS is reporting the correct amount of memory. Also, once you boot into Windows check it in there as well just to be sure.
When I installed my new ram, I ran memtest86+ to check the memory for defects. In fact since I was installing 2 sticks of ram, I put one in at a time and ran memtest86+ on each one separately, so that if there were errors I knew which memory module was the culprit. I ran memtest86+ for at least 2 pases on each module. Then, when I received no errors I checked in my BIOS and then in my OS to make sure all were seeing the memory properly. -
I ran memtest on got some errors. Is this fine.. Everything on my laptop is working..
If you tested with memtest86+ - in which tests you got errors? If you didn't write it down re-run the test.
If a memory test returns errors, then I really would return the RAM... but first, if you're using a mix of new RAM and old RAM, test it with only the new RAM installed, to make sure the errors aren't on your old stick of RAM.
Timing errors, memory controller errors, CPU errors - having errors in memtest86+ doesn't per se mean that the RAM is faulty. Mixing RAM might lead to timing errors - very common problem.
Thanks for your quick responses. I love you guys. I am going to write down the errors this time.
I got an one error in test 1 - sometimes and always in test 3. They are not mixed RAM, both new.
How do I know whats defective, which part?
Now test each RAM module separately. If only one fails it's maybe faulty. If both work it's probably just a RAM settings problem.
-- double posting --
The Fire Snake Notebook Virtuoso
QualitySeeker gave you some good advice. BTW - What kind of RAM did you get and how much? Can post the specs? Are the 2 sticks identical in make model(ex: came in a set of 2)? I got 2 sticks of ram in a set, each were 2GB sticks. I didn't receive any errors when I performed my test. If your memory is a set like this and you are getting error, I would seriously consider returning them and getting another set. Memory problems could cause you some real major issues down the line, if they aren't now.
Any ideas on my post above?
Also, in my experience, RAM and hard drive are the most likely parts to be bad... and hard drive shouldn't be a factor in the memory test.
So sure, do what you can to test different combinations of stuff, but... I'd assume the problem is the RAM unless you can prove otherwise. -
The Fire Snake Notebook Virtuoso
Installed RAM
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by BNHabs, Feb 24, 2009.