I thought my SD card carder was broken at first but in order for the SD card to insert completely inside the reader I need to lift up the SD card slightly when it's half way inside before I push it in completely. Otherwise roughly 5mm of the SDcard sticks out. Is this perfectly normal for a laptop? I'm looking inside the reader and was wondering if the flexible metal part on top is slanting down too much.
my reader is like that on my HP too. it's becasue the contacts inside the reader are high so that it makes good connection with the card. so to get it in you need to raise the card up a bit so that it goes a bit above the contacts.
My x200s' is the same way.
Glad to hear that it's not defective. Thanks guys.
Inserting SD card into X200 card reader
Discussion in 'Lenovo' started by denthope, Jun 15, 2010.